𝐈 ____ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (real)

Comincia dall'inizio

you stepped out of the private room and scanned the room for the paticular short brunette that you've been thinking about for the whole meeting.

when your eyes landed on a certain brunette sitting by the bar alone while swirling her drink, you couldn't help but to smile to yourself seeing how she hadn't left yet.

when you watched her get up from her seat and paid the bartender for the drinks she had, your eyes widened and quickly walked up to her to prevent her from leaving the club which caught her by surpise by your sudden presence.

"i don't do hookup's." she spoke coldly before you could.

you chuckled. "that's not why i'm here." you answered with a small smile.

"then..." she trailed off.

you didn't know why you were feeling nervous. your hands were slightly sweaty and your heart was racing in an unusal pace. it was unlike you to be feeling this way especially towards someone who you've never met properly.

how was this even possible ?

she rolled her eyes towards you and walked passed you when you were taking too long to answer. you quickly followed her from behind and stopped in-front of her, blocking her from going anywhere futher.

"you're probably drunk. i don't think it's safe for you to go back home alone." you finally spoke.

she rolled her eyes again. "and you think it's safe for me to go back home with a complete stranger ?"

"n-no ! how bout this ? i'll get one of my guards to give you a ride back home. if he tries to do anything to you, there's an emergency button at the door and if -"

"and why should i listen to you ?"

"because if you do, you'll be safe from harm...?" she scoffed in response and proceed to walk away again to which you quickly caught up to her and blocked her way once again.

"leave me alone please. i don't wanna sleep with you and i have nothing to offer." she spoke nervously as fear took over.

"i promise you that's the last thing i want." you reassured softly her which made her eyes softened.

"then why are you trying so hard ? what do you want from me ?" she softly asked.

"i want nothing from you, i promise ! i just want you to get back home safely that's all." you smiled lightly.

"fine, promise you won't try anything ?" you nodded your head frantically and intertwined your pinky around hers.

"can you send me back home instead ?" she asked shyly making you slightly surprised at her request.

"uh - yeah of course ! wait here kay ? let me go get my car real quick." you smiled and ran to where you've parked your car while your bodyguards followed you from behind.

"you guys can get back home already." you spoke nonchalantly towards your bodyguards to which they nodded in unison and bowed as they said their thank you's while you entered your car.

you then wasted no time with starting the engine and driving off to where the brunette was. when you stopped in-front of the club, you noticed she wasn't there leaving only drunk men giggling by themselves and couples making out, which only meant that she had gone home already.

you sighed in disappointment and was about to drive away but stopped when you heard a manly voice yelling from the alleyway. you wanted to drive away but the little voice in your head was telling you otherwise, so you did what the little voice said by getting out of your car and head to where the voice was.

𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐀 | ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora