Chapter 1

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In the Demon Bull House

Late at night , A Fire Demon Prince Named Redson , and his parents The Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan were having Dinner . After taking some of the last bites , Redson finally said "Ive finished my food Mother" "Alright,Wash your dishes and do whatever you do just dont waste our time" PIF said . Redson Nodded and quietly got up and washed his dishes and then went to his room to get ready for bed . As he was Changing he didn't feel really good , but he brushed it off and tucked himself in bed . 3:00 AM He was awoken to massive pain everywhere in his body , He Yelled but due to his walls and door being thick no one heard him (At least i think-..)His ears becoming more sharper than they were and his teeth growing longer and sharper . Then his Craving for blood was the final touch to ending the pain. He gasped for air before looking into the mirror and shocked at what had happened to him. He started to get thirsty so he left his room to the kitchen for a glass of water . But that wouldn't do , He was still thirsty . then he smelled a familiar smell , Blood. he tried searching to where the smell came from and he figured out it was outside . His pupils becoming thin and sharp he ran outside barefoot but he didn't seem to care . After running for 4 hours straight he catched his breath and realized where it was coming from , Pigsy's Noodles . Out of all the places .. Pigsy's Noodles ?? Red thought to himself . He creepily crawled to the entrance of the Restaurant . He peeked and saw a familiar pig and another guy with glasses and a scarf . He hid then tried to find another entrance to where he could find the source of the scent . "It should be here somewhere.." he thought to himself , looking through one of the windows he saw ..well Nyoodle boy. And then realized thats where the blood was coming from. He saw that Nyoodle boy had multiple bandaids on a spot that just wouldn't stop bleeding . But the real question is.. why is he up so early??
Mk's pov
3:00 AM. Mk had woken up to a mid cut on his arm and since he had just woken up he didn't really care and just went back to sleep. A few mins later the scar that he had ignored started to hurt badly and thats when he decided to wash it in some warm water . It burned but he walked it off and dried it then put a bandaid on it . Of course that didn't really work out cause it started bleeding again and again so he wasted most of his bandaids to stop the bleeding and nothing worked . Plus - he didn't have anything else .
He had realized that it was like 7 in the morning .
He groaned and fell onto the ground as blood dripped onto the carpet . He decided to get up and ask pigsy for some bandages but before he went to go do that he saw a figure at the corner of his eye and turned to look but it disappeared. He shrugged and took a deep breath and went downstairs.

Back with redson .
As he watched The Nyoodle boy walk down he licked his lips before lifting up the window and crawling into his apartment. He looked around and saw a cockroach running around. Once again he put on a disgusted look and went on to whatever he was doing. He went into Mk's room and to his suprise it was pretty clean . There he saw a Guinea pig and slowly walked towards it . After stopping in-front of its inclosure he slowly reached for it and picked it up . He looked at it for quite a while and gulped thinking of all the blood it had . Without hesitating he took out his razor sharp fangs and dug them into the Guinea pig making it squeak loudly but he didn't care . He drained it out leaving it dead in the inclosure "My apologies But i was really thirsty" he whispered to it . He heard footsteps coming from outside his room and he dashed out the window to where he came in from.

This is all im gonna write and continue it in a bit so no need to be sad(^o^) okay imma continue now

Redson headed home knowing that he'll be yelled at and shit. As soon as he opened the door PIF hugged him and asked "Where have you been ?!?" Redson didn't know how to respond so he just look down at his feet and apologized quietly . PIF scoffed and pushed him away , before the doors could close he quickly went inside and headed to his room to change . He wanted to add one final touch to his daily outfit which was a hairclip his mother gave him when he was 146 years old. He smiled and went to go work on some bull clones .. as he usually did .

Back with Mk
Mk had heard someone running from his room and saw that his window was open letting the freezing air inside . He only had a few minutes left before work so he didn't think of it much and just closed the window . When he went to go check on his Guinea pig .. A loud loud yell came from upstairs ,Pigsy and tang looked at each-other with a worried look and ran up to his apartment room "KID WHATS WRONG ?!?!" Yelled pigsy
Mk coming out of his room with teary eyes "My Guinea pig.." he sobbed and dropped down to the floor . Tang gasped with horror until he noticed something on the drained out guinea pig , "Hey Mk theres like 2 holes on the guinea's neck..?" Tang added . Mk looked up and checked as he sniffed , He gave a confused look to its neck and the window . He realized that maybe an animal had gotten in and bit the Guinea pig. "Wait what kind of animals feed on blood..??" He asked "Well theres a Vampire bat ... A vampire finch ..and many others that i forgot" Mk gave a sad but disappointed look but then saw some footprints that stained the carpet . He stood up and looked at them "these aren't animal footprints...They're..human...???" Pigsy,tang and Mk looked at each-other with a worried and suprised look .

End of Chapter 1
Word count : 1087

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