Dawn of Heroes/Secret Miracle- Marinette (diary entry)

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Dear diary,

I probably shouldn't be writing this down, but I can't help myself. I'm officially a superhero. Well, that's what everyone else thinks. I really hope "Ladybug" doesn't let down their expectations like clumsy Marinette does. At least my powers seem to make up for everything else I lack. I guess I shouldn't focus on those mistakes of mine though, especially since despite them I was still chosen for the job, right? Not to mention, however crazy my life may be now, I'm not going into this alone. I have Tikki, and she's already been so sweet and supportive of me. And then there's Cat Noir. While neither of us knows who the other really is, it feels so great to know I have someone to watch my back out there. We've only been Paris' new superheroes for a few days, and yet I still feel like this was somehow meant to be. Yes, even with me as Ladybug. And maybe this will turn into something truly miraculous.

Until next time, in both this diary and in my escapades as one of the heroes of Paris, it's time to say au revoir...

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