Tao himself decided to make an appearance and looked at his mum expectantly who payed bo attention to him as she closed the door.

"Hi Yan."

"Mum, she's here to see me." Tao scowled as he knew his mum all too well, she always liked getting to know and spend time with his friends.

"Oh, but I've missed her so much." Yan pulled Elle into another hug making the younger girl laugh at the gesture.

"I want to hear everything. How are you doing my love? New school okay?"

"Yeah...Yeah it's really good."


Tao glared at the back if his mum's head and crossed his arms "Mum."

"Okay, okay. In you come, I'll put the kettle on." Yan left the room and Tao looked at Elle as she laughed a little.

But before Elle could follow after her, Tao turned her around and led her up the stairs "I swear to god, she loves you more than me."

The pair now sat on Tao's bed, Elle had her cup of tea and Tao had the laptop.




Elle scoffed as she shook her head "Moonlight's so sad, I don't want to cry."

Tao hummed as he looked through Netflix again "What about Arrival?"

"Oh, my god, that's even sadder. Can't we just watch something funny?"

Tao nodded "I thought we were having a film night?"

"Yeah, a fun one."

"I just wanted it to be like old times."

"Well, it's not like old times anymore."

The pair looked down as their phones went off, picking them up to read the message:

sorry gang, I'm super sick and can't make it tonight. enjoy your evening 😊

Elle let out an "Oh." as Tao turned his phone off and held a straight face as he spoke "Just us then."

Elle smiled and turned off her phone, placing it down beside her "Just us."


Nick and Charlie were sat on a sofa in one of the smaller, yet still full rooms.

"I'm being serious. I've never ever seen anyone. I literally dragged my mum to play Mario Kart--"


Nick was interrupted by none other than Harry who was followed by his group of mates, Damien beside him minding his own business.

Nick looked up at Harry from his seat "All right, mate."

"Why are you hanging out in here? It's a bit boring, innit?"

The group of boys stood behind Harry snickered between eachother and Damien stood there looking at his feet.

"We just are."

Harry dumped himself down on the sofa beside Nick "I've got some important news for you."

Charlie sent Damien a knowing look, but he sadly nodded back at his younger brother.

"Yeah, what?"

"Tara Jones is here."

The boys who were now all standing behind Damien cheered for the boy as Harry grinned.

"So what?"

Harry looked shocked at Nick's almost stupid question "So this is your big second chance, mate. Let's make it happen."

Damien looked up and crossed his arms "He's said countless of times he doesn't want to get with Tara." Damien obviously knew Nick didn't like the girl that way but he also knew something else. Tara Jones was completely and utterly a lesbian. Correct? He was one of the only people who actually knew and promised to keep it a secret for her. And Harry was doing his utter best to make that task incredibly impossible.

Harry chose to ignore Damien with a shake of his head and turned to look at Charlie "They kissed when they were 13. Proper romantic. He should go for it right?"

Charlie didn't know what to say, he did but that was beside the point. So he just smiled slightly and nodded. Why not convince the boy you like into kissing someone else, especially a girl.

Harry got up and pulled Nick to his feet, despite his protests.

"Come on. She's just down the corridor."

Nick shook his head "I haven't talked to her for years."

"So? She's super hot, man."

Damien sat beside his brother on the sofa and nodded "Sorry."

Charlie looked over at him "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

"Exactly my point....Right. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Okay?"

Charlie nodded again without saying a word, so Damien patted his shoulder and left the room.

"Hey, Tara, I've got someone who wants to see you. You remember Nick Nelson right?"

Tara smiled and looked up at Nick "Uh...Yeah. Hi."


Harry and his mates took the time to leave the pair to talk.

"How are you?"

Charlie stood in the doorway and watched the pair before looking down at his shoes. He had no clue what was being said but he already knew he didn't like it. So he left the room, but Charlie headed in a different direction to his brother.


Tao and Elle were sat on the bed watching a movie.

"Charlie's changing. So has Damien....not the same amount."

Elle looked at him and squinted her eyes "What do you mean?"

"He's gone to rich-boy Harry's parties for gods sake. Last year he would have rather died that go to one of those. And Damien was encouraging him to go Elle!"

"Well I don't think he's there to see Harry, to be honest."

Tao sat there, his slice of pizza in his hand and glared at the air "Nick's stolen them. Well maybe not as much for Damien, but he has. Nick's stolen them."

Elle looked at the boy beside her with an amused smile "That's a little bit dramatic."

"It doesn't matter why they're there, they should be here with their actual friends."

"Well I think Nick is his friend...and he was Damien's before hand."

"Oh, so you're on his side?"

"Tao, there aren't any sides. Let's just stop talking about this."


The pair sat there in silence and continued to watch the movie they earlier agreed on.

Word count: 1636!!

What will happen next at the party??

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