Start from the beginning

"Wait, wait, wait, Seth, you're... you're Spillz? You're, like, the Spillz, with a Z?" Josh asks excited. "Guilty." Seth nods in confirmation.

"What the fuck is spillz?" Kirin asks in a funny voice that makes me smile "Oh, my God. You haven't heard of Spillz? It's, like, this Insta and Twitter that rates pictures of spilled food always with the best and most hilarious captions." Josh fan girls

He then looks at Seth with amazement "oh, my god." "It's no big deal." Seth says shyly. "Yo, yo. I've heard of that before. You do brand collabs and shit like that, huh? Yo, I bet you get paid. Don't you?" Scotty adds on.

"No offense but that would be the dumbest thing ever. Who gets paid to take pictures of spills. Stupid." I mutter shaking my head "Thank you." Henry speaks up from next to me.

"Oh, wait, what are you gonna rate the salsa? Like, a level-five Sloppy Tsunami? And what are you gonna name it?" Josh fan girls more wanting so badly to be apart of this stupidity. "Well, maybe, like, a play on pico de gallo. Maybe, like, pico de "oh, no."" Seth thinks aloud

The guys laugh "Fucking lame!" Kirin laughs.


"Bo-Bo, you crashing, man?" Scotty asked Bo as he jolted up right "Only a little." Bo answered laughter made me stop watching the two best friends.

"Oh, man. Man, that's funny." Josh wheezes from laughing so hard, "I swear to God, Josh. If you're laughing about something you saw on fucking spillz again." Kirin grumbled tired of hearing about spillz.

"I'm sorry. It just keeps popping into my head. There was this one photo..." I roll my eyes and look down at the sand and cover my ears, I swear if I hear one my thing about spillz I'm losing my shit.

Kirin sees this and tell Josh to stop and I slowly take my hands off my ears. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God! I forgot about my kids." Josh exclaims worriedly. "Excuse me?" I ask completely and utterly confused.

"Okay, I'll bite. Tell me about these kids, Joshua." Ivan said in amusement, "I put them in my bag, and I hid them in one of my socks." Josh says as he pulls an already opened bag of sour patch kids. I laugh "That explains so much."

"Sour Patch Kids? Who the hell just calls them Kids?" Scotty remarks which just makes this situation even funnier. "Doesn't everybody?" Josh looks up at Scotty and then looks to all of us, "Absolutely not. But you know what? I love it." Ivan nods.

"Yeah, me too. It brings cannibalism into the experience in a more real way." Henry states in such a monotone voice. "What. In. The. Actual. Fuck?" I look to Henry "You know what I don't wanna know." I decide "Probably best." Bo tells me.

"Yeah, I'd like to cannibalize a few right now, actually." Ivan says as he looks at Henry then he cups his hands together and leans towards Josh "Hey, Joshua, may I have a child?"

"Um. Shit. I forgot I already ate most of them." Josh rambles

"Tut shh!" Kirin holds his hands up as he reaches into Josh's suitcase, "the fuck? A lighter? You had this all along?" Kirin asks angrily as he holds the lighter up.

"yeah, right. Um, that's actually for my... my ear candle in case I get too waxy..." Josh says quietly but Kirin is only angrier "You fuck moron! All this time we've been freezing. And could have had a campfire that didn't take us an hour to make, no offense Emma. But no, you've been too busy yukking it up over that smarty-farty's dumb little website to remember you had a Goddamn lighter in your goddamn suitcase!"

"Okay, somebody needs to, like, deescalate." Ivan tells Kirin but I scoff telling someone to calm down does not do shit, "You're gonna tell me that? You of all people gonna fuckin tell me that? Deescalate my ball sack, Taylor."

Kirin turns back to Josh and his suitcase, "What else have you forgotten to tell us about, huh? Maybe it's time to have a real good look around." Kirin flips over Josh's suitcase and stomps on it in the sand.

"Jesus." Scotty mutters "You want a spill? There's a spill." Kirin speaks breathlessly. "What should we rate it, huh?"

"Stage seven suitcase some fuckin something!" Kirin shouts as he kicks sand overtop the suitcase. "Uh, Kirin, if you steal my IP, I will have to send a cease and desist." Seth speaks up coming from no where with Raf.

"You boys back from La La land?" I ask with a bit of attitude I guess what Kirin just did pissed me off, "Yes and we come bearing gifts?" Seth cheers and looks to Raf.

"Anybody hungry?" Raf asks as he sits a box down filled with food. We all jump up and race to it. "Oh my freaking god!" I exclaim as I dig through and find crackers.

"Raf! A way to my heart is with food, and I think I love you." I stand up and tackle him in a hug as he laughs. "Oh, my God! Peanut butter. A third-tier nut butter, but I... I am not complaining." Ivan says relieved as he opens the peanut butter and dips his fingers in it.

"You found all this?" Josh asks Seth who shakes his head "Oh, no, not me. Raf did." Seth laughs "But hey, stop burying the lede, brother."

"Oh, right. There's beer and more of it at the bunker." Raf tells us as he sets the pack of beer down. Everyone whoops and cheers I race over and grab the first beer and crack it open sipping it slowly.

By now everyone has some food and a beer and we are all just extremely giddy, "Guys, thanks be to Raf." Seth toasts.

Everyone starts to chant Raf's name as we jump around "Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf!"

"Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf,"

"Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf! Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf, Raf!"

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