Chapter Thirty One: Return of a Long Gone Assassin

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"Tapirmon!!" Raegan screamed. She had seen this scene at least a hundred times, but that never stopped the terror.

Tapirmon's scream reached her ears like it had every single time, and a wave of guilt washed over Raegan like it had every single time.

"His death was inevitable," Matadormon said simply from above. "Tapirmon was a fool to sacrifice himself for a worthless human like you."


Raegan screamed as she pushed up from sleep. She glanced around to see if she had woken any of her companions.

She sighed in relief. They were all snoring soundly.

Raegan laid back down. The dreams always seemed even worse than the actual thing.

"It's not your fault."

Raegan sat up to see Charlie awake nearby. "You were whispering Tapirmon's name in your sleep. But it was Matadormon who killed him, not you."

Raegan nodded at Charlie's words. Charlie had also watched Tapirmon's sacrifice all those years ago, but she didn't feel the guilt. Tapirmon hadn't got himself killed for Charlie. Raegan sighed. "I know it was four years ago and there was nothing I could have done, but that doesn't comfort me at all."

"I know it doesn't. But you need to let it go for now and get some sleep. Today was a whirlwind," Charlie told Raegan, who nodded.

Charlie laid back down and Raegan followed. When the latter was sure Charlie was asleep, she stood silently and bolted out into the twilight.

She stood in the breezy night, her hair blowing gently. Raegan stared down at her crest in silence. She gripped it firmly to her chest and sighed. "I'm sorry," she whispered, pulling out her Digivice. She could see the hazy silhouette of Tapirmon on its small screen.

"It's not your fault," came a fuzzy and barely distinguishable tone. Tapirmon's voice was one familiar to Raegan.

Tapirmon was projected onto the ground in front of Raegan from inside the girl's Digivice. Raegan laughed lightheartedly. "Funny how you're giving me this advice just like four years ago."

"But I didn't force myself out of the Digivice just for a simple greeting. I came to warn you of LadyDevimon." Tapirmon was now serious.

Raegan sighed again. "Her."

"But also of one other," Tapirmon continued.


"The one who you and your friends defeated four years ago. The one who brought my time to a close." Tapirmon's eyes went distant, as if remembering the horrors of prior lives. The life when he was more than a spirit.

"Matadormon!?" Raegan yelled in disbelief. "But we got rid of him four years ago!"

Tapirmon sighed heavily. "LadyDevimon has plans. That's all I can say."

Raegan felt her heart sink as Tapirmon vanished into the Digivice once more. He had only come out three times in the past four years, so this had been the fourth. Every time, he had only cryptic warnings in store.

"The Digital World has changed me. When Matadormon returns, I won't let an innocent creature give themselves up for my sake. I'll fight to the end. The confused and lost soul from four years ago is gone." A tear slipped down Raegan's face as she whipped around to return to the cave.


Morning dawned silently and seemed so full of life and hope.

For Raegan, it was the exact opposite.

"Get ready for Matadormon," she whispered at Mikemon the next morning.

"Matadormon!?" Mikemon exclaimed in shock. Raegan clapped her hand over her partner's mouth.

"Yes. Tapirmon had his annual visit last night and warned me about Matadormon and LadyDevimon," Raegan explained quickly.

"Shouldn't we tell the others?" Mikemon asked.

"I will tell them when the right time comes," Raegan assured him.

"Just don't make that right time be when the creep shows up," Mikemon warned.

Raegan nodded. "Fine."

Jimmee stirred and sat up. "Everything okay?"

"No!" Raegan yelled instinctively. "I mean yes. Everything's fine."

"You're saying fine more than Athena Courtney...or whatever the girl's name is," Tay cut in, remembering Raegan's remark the day before.

"Apollo Justice," Raegan corrected. "And it's a guy."

"My bad," Tay apologized.

Raegan pulled Mikemon to her face when Tay and Jimmee looked away. "Maia should be waking up soon. Not an ounce of emotion can show how worried we are until we explain."

Mikemon nodded, his fur brushing against Raegan's nose. "I get it."


About an hour later, the group was all awake. Ceya and Fumiko were finally feeling better from the crazy encounter with SkullGreymon.

"I'm so glad that SkullGreymon is done for. Look at what he did to our team," Charlie commented.

Ceya bit her lip guiltily. "I'm glad too." She forced the words out of her lips. Ceya's eyes were cast downwards. When she stared at her hand hard enough, she thought she could see SkullGreymon's murderous claws.

Fumiko looked around as well. "I wonder why he flung me into the water."

"I think it's because you can see a move ahead. You would have spotted him attacking, blowing his cover. He probably would have done the same to Anna, if she hadn't been gone," Kyle explained.

"You missed tons of 's' in that explanation," Ceya muttered. "He was really a"

"That wasn't you. It was SkullGreymon," Ayame assured her.

"Think of it like that time when Maya almost got killed in Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations. It wasn't Misty; it was Dahlia. Same here," Raegan told her friend. Ace Attorney references made everyone happy.

Or at least her and Ceya.

"I say we walk for Infinity Mountain next. We'll be safe from the Shadow Reigners up that high," Maia suggested, changing the subject to better fit Ceya.

"Seems like a plan to me," Kaez agreed. "I'll lead the way."

"I'm afraid not."

Raegan whirled around. "No...not now...not ever..."

Matadormon stood next to a flying LadyDevimon. "I'm sorry, little Light Beam. That won't be happening," LadyDevimon continued.

"You killer!" Sam yelled angrily. He gripped his Digivice, sights trained on Matadormon. He had only been six when Tapirmon was killed.

"We are the same," Matadormon whispered.

And with that, Ceya ran, wanting to never look back.



I got it up despite prior plans! Whoop!

And in the next chapter, we have a digivolution!

See you this weekend!


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