Chapter 2

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~Time skip~
Me and Yami are walking to Joey's house for the party.~Yugi
Uh Yugi you know that we are here.~Yami
We are *looks around and sees that we are here * oh we are.~Yugi
Yes we are let go in cause I see Joey.~Yami
Ok let's go then.~Yugi
*we both are walking to Joey*
~Time skip~
Tèa pulls me aside and tells me that we will be playing and game soon.~Yami
We will be playing truth or dare Yami and I know something that you don't know.~Tèa
Yugi's pov
I am walking around in Joey's house waiting for them to gather everyone to play a game.
Joey's pov
Hey everyone come to the living room we are Playing truth or dare.
Yugi's pov
Um we are Playing t-truth or d-dare.
Yami's pov
It looks like Yugi doesn't want to play truth or dare guys.
Yugi's pov
I will play truth or d-dare.
Tèa's pov
*Whispers to Yami *just to let you know Yugi likes you.
Yami's pov
*Whispers to Tèa*Really he does that's cute *looks down blushing*
Tèa's pov
*whispers to Yami*looks like you also like Yugi Yami.
Yami's pov
*whispers to Tèa* yes I do like him no even more then like.
Tèa's pov
*Whispers to Yami*well now I know what to dare you now.
Yami's pov
*Looks at Tèa*
Joey's pov
Let's start the game.
Everyone's pov
Tristan's pov
Truth or dare Joey.
Joey's pov
Tristan's pov
Is it true that you never kissed a girl Joey.
Joey's pov
Everyone pov
Joey's pov
Really it's not funny
Yugi's pov
Yes it is.

Authors note
Sorry that this chapter was cut short it will be in the next chapter.;)

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