Yandere Simulator (Ch. 07)

Start from the beginning

Y/N: 'I don't even know what to do. The least I can do is help, I've caused her so much trouble... But I don't even know what to do.! God what is wrong with me!'

Just then Onemine stirs awake. You felt really guilty, putting her through this. I mean getting your friend really sick and seeing them collapse is pretty well uhhh... yeah.

Y/N: Ah! Here's the medicine!

She looks at you and smile. You definitely were not deserving of this, well that's what you, the reader thought. I wholehearted disagree with that, ah shoot getting off topic. Anyways, after you watch her gulp down the medicine, you decide to apologize.

Y/N: Sorry about, y'know...

Onemine: There's no need to be sorry.

Y/N: But I've caused you a lot of trouble. I was being selfish and asked you to look after me, now here we are...

Onemine: You've caused me no trouble at all.

Y/N: But you had to look after me and now you're sick because of it!

Onemine: I still would've looked after you if you didn't ask.

Y/N: What?

Onemine: That's what friends are for! Cheer up, I don't want to wake up to someone sad.

Y/N: A-ah! Sorry!

Onemine: Like I said, nothing to be sorry about.

Y/N: R-right...

You were glad she wasn't angry. You were always scared of messing things up, it was strange. Then the nurse barges in, looking slightly happier.

Nurse: Shouldn't you be at home? You're very sick.

Onemine: Yeah... I thought it was only a light cold when I was on my way to school.

Y/N: I'll go inform a teacher. I'll accompany you, because it's the least I can do.

Onemine: Thank you.

So you leave. The talk with your teacher was very weird, she just said 'yeah whatever' and left. Not that you were complaining. You pick up Onemine from the nurse's room and head out. She was stumbling as she walked.

Y/N: Do you need help?

Onemine: Yeah...

So you decide to give her a piggyback. You were glad you had mask to hide your flushed face. The trip was just you asking Onemine for directions and occasional stumbles. By the time you reached her house, she got of your back and you helped her get to the doorway.

Y/N: Well, I gotta get back to class... Call me if you need anything!

Onemine: Thanks...

She closes the door. You take a moment to catch your breath. You also gave your mind a moment to think.

Y/N: 'I just did that... Holy crap that was embarrassing. Well, I hope she recovers soon.'

Now, with whatever energy you had left, you make your way back to school before lunch ends. It looked kinda funny, you limping back to school. You wish you had your bike with you, but it was at school... Hooray. Oh, you're back at school. Neat.

Anyways, you limp your way to your seat and Chiarai approaches you. He looks sort of confused.

Chiarai: Where were you and Onemine-san? Why do you look so tired? Wait... Were you doing it with Onemine-san?

Y/N: She got sick and I took her back to her place.

Chiarai: Huh, that explains it.

Y/N: I'm so tired...

Derpy [Nene Onemine x M!reader] (Also previously known as 'Observe.')Where stories live. Discover now