Part 11- Recovery

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Gavin's POV

I stayed in the hospital the whole
Night. The finally let Ellie and Coco
Come in. I was getting really worried
that Piper wasn't awake yet. I start to
Overthink and the worst thoughts start
To fill my mind. Eventually I just start to
Cry, and I hear someone else crying too,
Then they grab my arm and tell me it's
Going to be okay. It was Elliana, we hugged
The whole time and fell asleep. When we
Woke up a doctor walked in holding a
Clipboard. " She needs surgery, but it might
Affect her ability to walk for a couple months"

G: What happens if we don't do surgery

" She could die "

G: o-okay, you can do the surgery

They take Piper away

C: * yawns and looks around *

G: Good morning Coco

C: good morning, why are we at a hospital

G: Piper got into into a car accident, and I knew
You wouldn't wanna stay in the house all alone

C: you know me so well

Gavin smiles at her

G: are you girls cold?

El & C: yes

G: okay I'll be right back

-1 minute later-

G: I got some blankets

Gavin puts the blanket over Ellie,
Then Coco

El & C: thanks

G: no problem

C: us Piper okay?

G: she needs surgery but I hope
She'll be okay

The surgery took a while and
Piper wasn't up yet so they all
Went to Gavin's house

They stayed up until 1am, then Coco fell
Asleep as they were watching spiderman

G: * looks over to Coco and laughs *
Is she really sleep right now

El: * laughs * Yup, the same one saying she
Would stay up longer than anyone in the house

G: well we stayed up longer

Gavin's POV

I gave Ellie a high five. And as our hands touched,
I felt something almost magical. Definitely not as
Strong as my love for Piper but who knows, maybe
I'll finally be able to move on. I slowly start to lean in,
But before I could do anything, Ellie grabbed neck and
Kissed me. I started to kiss her back. My back was on the
bed and she was laying on top of me. We ended up making out with eachother for about 25 minutes. She broke the kiss
And looked at me. I was speechless,she didn't even care. She
Is such a bad b*tch. Later we go see Piper, she still wasn't
Up and they wouldn't let us in this time. We went back to my
House. Me and Ellie kept sneaking around but we decided to
Keep it a secret. St 2am she came and layed next to me, I
Smiled. All I could think was  " Are you falling in love? "
I fall in love very easily so I'm not sure but Ellie is really amazing. She looked at me and stared. I looked at her then
Grabbed her waist and she started to giggle. I love Piper.
I don't know if I'm still in love with her but it's nice to have a
Love interest who isn't in a relationship. I kissed Ellie and she kissed me back. We fell asleep.

The next Time we went to see Piper, she was ready
To go home. I took her to my house and it was time for
Here Recovery. For hours, we walked around the house
I was holding one of her arms and Ellie got the other.
I smiled at Elliana as a thank you for helping. She gave me a warm smile and I kinda started blushing. I think Piper noticed because she looked at both f us and gave us a
Suspicious look. After helping Piper walk a little  we put her
To bed and I ran to Elliana

G: thanks for helping me with Piper

El: no problem* smiles *

Gavin's POV

There's that warm smile again. I
Picked her up and pinned her to the
Wall, I started kissing her neck and
She laughed. She kissed me and we heard
Something drop. Ellie looked shocked and
Pointed behind me. I slowly put Ellie down
And looked behind me. I saw My mom and
Piper standing there. On the floor there was
A broken glass and spilled water. I guess my
mom helped Piper get a glass of water. They
Look so surprised and Piper looked mad. I
Guess now we've got some explaining to do.

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