"You left the camp." Sesshomaru appeared from nowhere.

"I'm sorry milord this young lady went to do her business again," Jaken said looking at you over his shoulder he just nods.

"I'm starving." You said.

"Here.. some villagers gave this to me." Sesshomaru handed me some bread & water you smile cheekily.

"Really? Are you sure you didn't get this for us?" You try to tease him but you gain no reaction you wanted.

"Do you want me to change my mind about keeping you alive?" He threatened you again you frown.

"Of course not...I was... just kidding." You took half of the bread and the other half to Jaken he stared at you before taking it.

"Fine." He just simply answered.

The little girl went to visit Sesshomaru for a few days but all of a sudden you didn't see the girl you look around waiting for her so you can treat her wounds but you see no sight of her you suddenly feel uneasy.

"Are you waiting for that girl to come?" Jaken asked you to turn your attention to him.

"Oh? Ah well... yes I just wanted to treat her wounds..." you said then he sigh.

"You're so kind..." he uttered.

"Are you saying something?" You play dumb again he shook his head denying it.

"Nothing." He answered you just let out a short laugh.

"I kinda feel uneasy..." you said suddenly Sesshomaru's face changed into serious.

"What's the matter, milord?" Jaken asked you also stared at him.

"I smell blood," Sesshomaru said he start walking you followed them behind. "Wolves.. they attack a village." You just followed them whenever they are heading when he suddenly stops.

"The girl..." Jaken said you gasp in surprise.

"What happened to her?" You asked Sesshomaru didn't say anything and grabbed his sword. "H-hey wh-what are you going to do with that?!"

"Silence human!" There's a hint of anger & sympathy in Sesshomaru's voice you just stay quiet don't wanna anger him, even more, he slashes his sword then the little girl slowly opens her eyes.

"What? How did that happen?" You asked feeling so amazed.

"Lord Sesshomaru has a sword called tensaiga it's for saving people from dying and slaying those who came back from the dead using dark magics," Jaken explained you nod.

"Amazing..." you said.

"Thank you for saving me..." the little girl suddenly speak.

"She can now speak?" You said.

"Of course, Lord Sesshomaru saves her from the goblin of the underworld that's about to take her," Jaken said you just nodded still amazed by the powers of the sword he has.

"What's your name?" Sesshomaru asked for the very first time.

That was the first time I'd ever seen him asking questions to someone else

"My name is Rin..." the little girl answered. "You're Lord Sesshomaru right?"

"Let's go Jaken and you mortal." Sesshomaru ignored the girl you watched them walk when all of a sudden he stops. "Why are you still standing there?"

"Eh? Are you talking to me?" You said he just walk away.

"Wait for me, Lord Sesshomaru." The little girl tag along with you the journey was all silenced when Rin speak. "Lord Sesshomaru, can I come with your journey?"

"Do as you wish I don't care," Sesshomaru answered Rin shyly smiling. "What happened to you?"

"Hm?" Rin looks up at him.

"Where's your family? Don't you have anywhere else to go?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Ah... well as far as I remember the wolves attacked my village my family told me to escape and run as far as I can," Rin answered.

You just listen to their conversations not wanting to interrupt anything you suddenly remember you still have to go back to your world.

"Ahm Jaken." You said he turns to you.

"What?" Jaken stopped and stared at you.

"I need to go." You fixed your bag you look at them.

"Where are you going?" Sesshomaru asked out of the blue you're quite shocked because that's the first time he asks something of you.

The very first time he asks something to me...

"To my home." You answered with a smile on your lips.

"How far?" Sesshomaru turns around to face you.

"Far? Ah... very far from here." You answered then fell into silence again.

"Go ahead," Sesshomaru said you just smile and say farewell to them.

"I-I'm sorry I couldn't greet you immediately young miss... but be careful on your way back to your home." Rin bows a little so as you.

"I will and take care of yourselves." You said. "Thank you for everything."

"A-ahm okay..." Jaken said.

"Young miss before you go may I ask your name?" Rin asked.

"(Y/n)" you answered before walking away.


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