💫Quirk and Affiliations💫

Start from the beginning

↳Yoshiko is very complicated when it comes to their morals. They deal with a lot of pressure, both self-inflicted and inflicted by the societal social hierarchy. Their will can only take so much, so even if they have made substantial progress, they may not see it and think that the still aren't good enough. As a result, their morality is somewhat maliable. Their ideals can crumble if they are broken in the right ways. While they still dream of becoming a hero, sometimes, their brain tells them they are better off just giving up on their dreams and conforming to what society wants from them. They have never given in to these thoughts, but it has crossed their mind to abandon their dreams because they may feel it would benefit their peers. In shot, no, they have no inherent desire to abandon their dreams of becoming a hero, but through some...unsavory tactics, it wouldn't be terribly difficult to....coerce them to switch sides. One would just have to open the right psychological wounds and pull at the right strings is all.
↳In villian AUs, they would have gone through some sort of mental snap that cause their morality to crumble entirely. It comes with a sort of personality change, but in many cases, psychological manipulation finally breaks any strand of hope they hold onto to become a hero and they fully embrace their role as the villain of the story. However, instead of just playing the role of a villain, this time, they aren't putting on an act. In their main Villain AU storyline, they are indebted to a villain who rescued them after a successful attempt on their life. As repentance for her mercy, Yoshiko agrees to help her with her plan as she controls the puppet stings right under their nose.

↳Power: 3/5 {C}
↳Speed: 3/5 {C}
↳Technique: 4/5 {B}
↳Inetlligence: 5/5 {A}
↳Cooperation: 4/5 {B}
↳Agility: 4/5 {B}
↳*Clinginess: 6/5 {S}
↳*Not included in final score
↳Total 23/30
↳Yoshiko has had a some formal training with their quirk, coming from a family chock-full of heroes and those working with heroes through the support tech company. Unfortunately due to some home circumstances, they did not have near as much training as their cousin and as a result they have not fully unlocked the capabilities of their quirk (power). They are adept to moving quick on their feet and have a pretty decent reaction time (speed). Over their years of training, they have mastered plenty of familial techniques and have mainly grasped their own style of quirk-usage that is totally unique to them. A lot of familial inspirations can be seen in their moves (technique). They are highly intelligent and quick on their feet. Often, others will look to them for a plan, and they will often play the role as the group tactician and come up with plans. Educational material comes as a second nature to them and they are often one their peers will look to if they struggle with class material (intelligence). They are very easy to speak to and are willing to have others pitch in their ideas for plans. Getting along with others is no big deal for them, except for a few occasions where something in the past prevents them from seeing a person in a good light. That's when it becomes more difficult to work with them. They also aren't very outspoken, only really interacting with unfamiliar people of they interact first or, when it comes to professional work, interacting with strangers because its just part of the job and they can't avoid it (cooperation). Finally, due to some past experience with figure skating, they have become pretty flexible and rather fluid with their motions. A lot of their moves incorporate dance-like maneuvers and they have a good sense of balance. However, being out of practice for a while means that these skills have become a bit rusty and needs some fine-tuning from time-to-time (agility).


↳The name is a pun, specifically a play on the word "manipulation" and "mana". This is where you can derive a surface-level description of the quirk: manipulation of mana. It is way more complex than that brief description, but in ways it makes sense from a simplification standpoint. The name gets the quirk's basic premise across rather clearly. It also serves as a sort of opposite to the name of their cousin's quirk, Manamorphosis.

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