Dagmar: Ugh. What the devil's hall Ed here this last 20 years. This hallways was once lined with servants waving fans. Now, there's just a man smashing bugs with a hammer!

There was a man on the ground smashing bugs with a hammer indeed which just proved her point. He was missing by the way.

Becky: Oh, that's just Jerry and his pet hammer.

Dagmar: Jerry, of course. I remember when he was just a little lunkhead.

Cloyd: Aim where they're going to be, Jerry, not where they are.

Jerry began smashing bugs so much easier now. Bean then turn around to take a further look around the place.

Cloyd: This is your family home. You're free to explore.

Bean: Cool. What's behind that door?

She turn towards a door that had a skull on it. 

Cloyd: None of your business, nosy!  Come, you must be tired from all these questions. Show her to the sleep chamber.

Gomer then led her to a room.

Bean: It's kinda creepy in here. Would you mind sleeping with me tonight, mom?

Dagmar: Of course not, darling. It's my old bedroom.

Bean: Did I say creepy? I meant cozy.

Dagmar:(Gasps) Oh! My old clothes!

Dagmar then ran towards a closet, opening it up.

Dagmar: Bean, I know you're partial to that, but we left in such a hurry,  perhaps we could take one of my lovely dresses and butcher it into something you'd wear?

Bean: Thanks, mom, but I'm not real into bows.

Dagmar: These are moths, actually.

The moths then flew off to show to that there in fact moths.

Bean: Hmm.

Bean then pull out a devilish costume.

Bean: Whoa. I do not wanna picture my mom in this.

Cloyd: You won't be needing to. That's mine.

He then pulled out a few more dresses.

Cloyd: I can explain. Well, goodnight.

Becky: If you need anything, just ring.

He handed her a bell but it doesn't make a sound because there wasn't an clapper.

Bean: There's no clapper.

Becky: That's okay, these rooms are soundproof anyway. Sleep well.

Dagmar: Goodnight, Gomer.

Next scene.

Herg proceed to show his nephew around.

Herg: So-

Before he could even get the chance to get his sentence out, he ended up slipping.

Herg: What in the holy depth of hell's god name was that?

He then around and saw a boy on the ground laying there.

Herg: Oh, I forgot. Your brother, Vien. He's the bane of my existence that I have been telling you about. He's haven't change a bit. Not one goddamn bit.

Vien: shh, I think I could hear god down below and oh yeah, he doesn't like how loud you are, so would be quiet if I was you.

Herg: Oh, I forgot, I couldn't give the crown over to him because this kingdom doesn't want an idiot king and nor do I.  I thought about feeding him to beast in the dungeon. But I would hate to be the cause of the death of a family member. I seriously just can't stand but you get the point. Now let's go over your father's collection.

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