white wolf - part 3

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Chapter 5

It was with great regret and a certain amount of sadness that John finally left La Barge in late December 1867. All his business dealings and banking had been wrapped up and with nothing really to keep him in the town, he simply rode off. He'd certainly miss his old friend Wu and he'd never forget Meiling but he knew it was time to move on. He hoped to meet his two friends again but as Wu often said 'the future was hard to predict.' His final get together with Meiling was as always very memorable. They made love as usual in one of the private rooms but both knowing it might be their last time together, they were frantic with desire. Each time he thought he was about to explode, she sensed it and expertly manipulated his scrotum in a firm grip with her hand. It made his body relax and within minutes he was ready to continue the steady rhythm. Afterwards they were both near exhaustion but John relished the opportunity to lay in her arms, loving the soft feel of her skin against his and the sound of her voice whispering to him. They eventually dressed and reluctantly went their separate ways but not before Meiling kissed him goodbye with a fierce unbridled passion. The same night a farewell banquet was organised by some of Mr Wu's Chinese friends and associates and John was invited. Held in the largest building in what was the Chinese part of town, there were some 12 guests present when John and Mr Wu entered the building. The simple mud brick building served as a communal hall and also a dining room. It was furnished with basic wooden trestle style tables and seats and the kitchen area was clearly visible at the back of the room. Two cooks and many assistants were busy preparing food and cooking on the wood fired ovens. John's first impression was one of surprise at how many people were there to farewell his friend. The noise coming from the kitchen was incredible and the aromas of the spicy food wafting through the place made his mouth water. John was introduced to the many other guests, some he'd seen before but many he hadn't. Everyone seemed excited and impressed that he could converse in their language. John had been practising hard for the past fortnight, with Mr Wu and Meiling helping him at different times and under vastly different circumstances. There was definitely some truth in the old saying that the best way to learn new language is in bed with a beautiful woman. Some more guests were arriving to fill the long table and seats. In all there were 19 guests for this banquet but John did notice a spare seat next to him. Mr Wu sat opposite John and he was busy speaking to the many well wishers so John sipped politely on his green tea and observed the others. He was stunned when Meiling suddenly swept into the room and glided over the stand beside Mr Wu. She was talking to his old friend but every so often her eyes found his. Meiling was dressed in a long black silk gown, he was later to find out was called a piao. She was absolutely gorgous and the full length gown was figure hugging accentuating her lovely lithe body. Such a dress was a very rare sight since the western fashion and expectation was for bouncy gowns that bulged out towards the bottom. These standard gowns hid much of a woman's figure below the waist. The clinging nature of Meiling's wonderful gown left nothing to the imagination. The piao had a mandarin collar and a split half way up the thigh and John knew he wasn't the only one trying not to stare at her. Thebeautiful gown was entirely black except for a line of silver buttons near the collar. Its simplicity just added to her elegance. Meiling finally finished talking to Mr Wu and the men near him and so made her way around to sit alongside John. As she slid carefully onto the bench next to him, her hand caressed his thigh and John felt a shiver of excitement course through his spine. John said "Why didn't you say you were going to be here?" She looked shyly at him before replying "and spoil the surprise." "Well I'm very, very happy you're here and you look amazing, that is the most incredible dress, it makes you look so sexy," he whispered softly not wanting anyone else to hear. "You mean the dress as you call it is what makes me look sexy," she teased fluttering her eyes. John felt slightly embarrassed but continued "no I know how gorgeous you really are but I was just trying to say ..  that gown compliments your beautiful body." Meiling's hand again found his thigh and squeezed. "Why thank you John for the compliment and the correct word is piao." He looked blankly at her for a moment so she went on, "my gown is a piao not a dress ..... I'm glad you like it but you were pretty close with gown as the whites often refer to these as mandarin gowns." "Wow are you kidding, I love it and I noticed every man here staring at you as you walked in tonight, I also saw the women looking very envious as well." They chatted away like two acquaintances but both found it hard not to appear too obvious they were more than friends. Several times during the evening her hand found its way to his leg and occasionally came to rest on his crotch. Meiling spoke to everyone close to them and she often included John in the conversations and made sure she used enough English so he could understand. Mr Wu, sitting opposite the two sensed a close bond between John and Meiling. He saw from their body language and from the not so subtle glances at each other, that the two were probably more than friends. Mr Wu smiled broadly when it suddenly occurred to him why John was a frequent visitor to town. He glanced around a few times trying to gauge if anyone else was thinking the same thing. However it was impossible to tell what most of the guests were thinking and anyway they all seemed to be having a good time eating, drinking and chatting. Anyway with the Chinese it was near impossible to judge their stony facial expressions.  He was pleased her husband was still away on business, just in case he'd picked up on the steamy vibes coming from the pair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2011 ⏰

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