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This dare was from Mystical_NightSky (I dare Lia to admit she has anger issues. I dare Emily and Magnus to switch personalities for a day) without further ado let's begin! :)

Me: *summons Magnus and Emily*

Magnus: *falls through a tree* owww

Emily: *slowly floats down 2 the ground*

Magnus: y did u save her and not me!

Me: bc shes just 2 innocent! I can't hurt her!

Emily: big brother! R u ok? *runs over*

Me: *sniffles* c?

Magnus: im fine *glares at Cleo*

Me: *glares back* anyway u 2 have a dare

Magnus: what is it this time?

Me: *shows them phone*

Magnus: u have got 2 be kidding me

Emily: yay! I get 2 be like my big brother

Magnus: and I get 2 be just like u. Yay.

Me: yeah, yeah, yeah enough chit-chat let's switch already! *uses magic*

Magnus: huh? Where r we? Oh hi Cleo! *smiles*

Me: I can't believe that worked

Emily: where the hell r we?! Cleo?! Y the hell did u bring us here?!

Magnus: calm down, Emily. I'm sure Cleo had a good reason 2 bring us here. Right, Cleo?

Me: um yeah. Sure *smirks* bye! *teleports away*

Emily: hey wait! Get back here u little-! *gets teleported with Magnus*

~With the AO~

Magnus: *falls down* ouch! Y would u do that, Cleo? That's so mean! *pouts*

Lia: um, what's wrong with Magnus?

Wynton: im not sure but he's sure not acting like himself

Shun: yeah he's actually acting a lot more like Emily-

Emily: *falls on Shun* Whoa!! Cleo I swear to god I will murder u then cover ur dead body with gasoline light a match and watch u BURN!!!

Dan: what

Wynton: the

Lia: hell

Shun: um can someone help me?

Magnus: *gasps* Emily! R u ok?

Emily: im fine but Cleo's about 2 not be

Magnus: r u ok Shun?

Shun: no

Emily: hehehe whoops. Sorry about that

Shun: it's fine *gets up*

Dan: so what's going on with u 2?

Magnus: what do u mean?

Emily: yeah nothing is going on with us Kouzo!

Dan: it's just that ur not rly acting like urselves

Me: *invisible behind Magnus* that was a dare!

Magnus: ah! *jumps into Dan's arms* s-s-sorry! *blushes*

Dan: um i-its f-fine

Wynton: also Cleo wdym it was a dare?

Cleo: someone dared Magnus and Emily 2 switch personalities for a day :)

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