01 Capture

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"Father, should I go to the grocery store for some bread?" 14 year old Michael Afton asked his father, William Afton.

"Michael, have you forgotten? The king has ordered everyone to close down all the stores. We can't buy a thing." His father responded

Michael looked angry, "So he's just going to starve everyone like that? That's just cruel!!" he blurted furiously, clenching his fists tightly.

"Calm down," William casually takes a sip of coffee, "That's just the way of the world. Besides, we still have plenty of food left in the fridge. And if we run out, perhaps we would have to snack on each other.." He trailed off mysteriously.

"F-Father," Michael blinked at his father in startledness,  "W-What do you mean? Cannibalism is illegal..!"

"Oh hush now, I'm kidding!! Just saying, if the stores close down forever, we'd be hungry beggars ehehe!!" he laughed.

"Father!! How could you laugh in a situation like this?!" Michael was impatient.

"Oh don't be so short-tempered, Mike. We'll find a way.. to keep us alive.." he smirked and took another sip of his coffee.

"So.. what if we run out of food and clothes? It will happen eventually, it will happen someday.. we have such a big family.." Michael said.

"Don't you worry about that, son. I'll handle that, alright?" William assured him.

"But how?" Michael interrupted, "You're literally a single parent that is probably gay and insane!"

William almost dropped his coffee, "Oh shut up, Michael Afton. I'm not gay and you know that. What's so wrong with being a single parent anyway??"

"Why did you even divorce Mother-?" Michael asked.

William turned to his son and glared at him, "We don't speak of the woman and you know why." William started to get impatient.

"Oh well, okay fine, I'm going for a walk then, bye Father, I'll be back by noon." Michael waved at his father and walked out of the door.

"Be careful, alright?" William called out.

"I will, thanks!!" Michael hollered as he peered in and exited gain out of the door.

William sighed and picked up his coffee for another sip. When he had just sipped some of the coffee, he started to spit it out like a sprinkler, "WAIT HOLD UP MICHAEL! THERE ARE FUCKING GUARDS THAT WILL CAPTURE YOU!! NO DON'T GO WANDERING PLEASE!!" 

William ran out the door desperately calling out for his son, but he was nowhere in sight. He started to panick since he saw a few guards on the nearby street, but he'd do anything to save his son. 

Oh he must've already been captured. Please that don't be the truth, William thought to himself, I don't want to lose Michael.

William cautiously yet anxiously ducked behind barrels to avoid the guards, he did not want to get himself into trouble trying to save his son. He scanned everything quickly, the environment, the guard placements and possible "obstacles" he could see within his view.

"That's it!" William exclaimed quietly, "I should make some animatronics that mimic guards and will pass through! Though I only have limited time for this.. and where would I get all the armour- oh.." William pauses, and smirks as he pulls out his favourite pocket knife, and glances slickly at the guards and their shining armour.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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