i. prologue

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Chang Areum doesn't have any words to describe the feeling she gets when she looks at the class list.

She had been able to avoid him until now. Lee Heeseung, her one and only rival. Not only at school, but at everything.

At the smallest things like being the first one to get to school.

Areum knew it was stupid to compete with him, but she couldn't help it. He was just so — naturally good — at everything he did. It annoyed the hell out of her.

And it definitely didn't help that she would have to see him everyday in her class, starting with today. 

Seating plan, seating plan, seating plan. Areum chants in her head. Areum crosses her fingers hoping to sit next to someone who isn't annoying.

Her fingers follow the plan until she sees her own name. Chang Areum, that's me. Who's the lucky student this year?

Lee Heeseung watches from afar as the girl looks at the class list. He had already seen it and was now waiting for her reaction.

With an amused grin on his face he watches as the girl frowns and walks to the classroom.

Annoying Areum wasn't his initial intention. Areum just got annoyed easily, especially when someone is better at something than her.

The longer Heeseung stuck around Areum the more annoyed he grew. Areum was just like him naturally good at everything she did.

Deciding to follow Areum into the classroom, he sees the seating plan hanging on the board.

Areum is trying to look for her name, and when she turns around with the biggest and deepest frown on her face Heeseung knew : they were going to be seat partners.

Releasing 10 April.

cruel summer, lee heeseung Where stories live. Discover now