someone you loved

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layla x reader (gender neutral pronouns) / layla x marc

t/w for many depressing thoughts, kind of s/h references, mentions of sex (just barely, no description or detail), light swearing because I've been known to swear while writing descriptions, brief thoughts of suicide (not graphic)

barely based off of the song someone you loved by lewis capaldi

Y/n couldn't take it anymore. They were going under and they had no one to help them. Of course they could reach out to the one person who told them to do so if they ever needed to, but they couldn't. They wouldn't. That person was doing something important, and they wouldn't distract them from their work. After all, how close were they really?

They had been friends for years, and it was always all or nothing with the two of them. That was half y/n's fault, since they couldn't keep their mental stability in check. Whenever someone moved a little too far away or weren't seen more than once a day they fell off. They wouldn't answer their texts, they wouldn't initiate conversation. Their friend had been working on that with them for years.

"Just text me," Their friend would say. "I want you to text me. To tell me what's going on."  They never did that though. Because why would they? They were a burden. They couldn't imagine who would actually want them in their life."I need you. I care about you. I love you. Just call me, okay? Try to keep in touch."

They never did keep in touch, and now wasn't any different, especially not when they needed someone most.

Their friend would be able to tell if something was wrong when they spoke in person. Or over phone call. Hell, even over text. Their friend knew them inside, out, and backwards. Though their friend was on a mission, a job that was important to them, and y/n couldn't do anything about it. They thought that they'd felt abandonment before, but this was worse. Much worse.

Y/n's friend said they would call. They said they would keep in touch. Y/n believed them since they were so caring and always by their side. Apparently though, their days of being inseparable were over.

Layla didn't even text y/n, and that's what hurt most.

But y/n could handle it. They always did.

Y/n didn't need someone to talk to. They didn't need somebody to have or hold. They didn't need the physical affection they longed for, nor the validation, and above all, they didn't need anyone to numb all their pain.

They could do that by themselves.

Sure, they had liked the way Layla had numbed the pain. How a smile from the woman could somehow make y/n feel better. But that was over. It wasn't going to last forever and y/n new that. They knew that had to get over themselves.

They just loved Layla so much and they didn't know what to do with all the anger and sadness inside.

Y/n would watch the day bleed into nightfall, just laying in bed, or laying on the couch, or numbly moving through their daily tasks when they could do so without breaking down.

They didn't interact with others. They didn't spare anyone an extra glance. They did the bare minimum to not be fired from their job, and then they didn't. They let everything fall away. It was almost amusing, in a sad way.

After all, the moment y/n finally fully let their guard down everything was fucked. The rug was pulled from under their feet, the only person they cared about left, and they spiralled.

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