Hide & Seek, 65 million years ago (Non-Canon Anymore)

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A Leopard.

It was laying on its side on top of the paddocks concrete wall, one of its front paws and one of its back paws were dangling off the side of the wall. It's tail flicked back and forth every so often, it was so relaxed as it stared at Hunter from above. Hunter could barely see its face from this angle, but it's head was laid down on the wall while it lazily reached out to him from above.

"Are you...can you hear me, Grandpa?" Hunter mentally questioned. Hunter stared at the Leopard for a few seconds, but it felt likes hours, once Hunter blinked...he was once again Spirit-walking without his consent.

"seriously? Again? You really just gonna take me here without my consent, huh?" Hunter scoffed as he stood up from his spot behind the tree—well now it's apparently a cloud.

Hunter scanned his surroundings, realizing he was standing on a cloud in the sky. The Scientist part of him kept shouting "IMPOSSIBLE!!!" in a very good Justin Roiland impression. Hunter risked his own life in this spiritual world by taking a step off of the cloud only for more cloud to appear beneath his foot.


"Outsmarted once again!" Hunter chuckled to himself before he continued to look through this beautiful space. He was jump-scared by a Barn Owl flying past his face and then disappeared into another cloud, after the Barn Owl, more and more species of birds started swarming the sky.

"NOT AGAIN!!!" Hunter yelled as he ducked down and protected his head with his hands. You see, Hunter is scared of only one kind of animal: Birds. He once dreamed about being pecked to death by a swarm of birds which fueled that fear of birds.

Being attacked by Emus, Ostriches, extremely angry Eagles, Parrots, and the worse of them all: The Cassowary. That is definitely a contributing factor.

Hunters entire body suddenly felt a satisfying sensation run through his leg and up to his nape. He looked down at the Clouded Leopard rubbing against his leg and had immediately formed stars in his eyes like a cartoon character.

"Look at you! You adorable kitty cat!" Hunter picked the Clouded Leopard up and cradled it, scratching its belly. "Did you know that you're my 3rd favorite animal in the entire world?" Hunter talked in a voice like one you would use for a baby.

The Clouded Leopard quickly climbed up his shoulder and walked back and forth between each shoulder until claiming his left one as a throne. Hunter laughed as the Clouded Leopard had basically told him he's just a seat for it.

Hunter scratched the small cats chin before someone greeted him from another cloud. Hunter immediately recognized the familiar voice and turned on a dime to face the man known as The Leopard, Hunters grandpa.

"How's it been, Otter?" Howard was enthusiastic to see his only grandchild again, they were separated by a few feet of empty space between the clouds.

"Oh, you know, I'm just begging Nature to grant me my wish of killing Clint but so far nothing has happened," Hunter causally shrugged, his head got pushed to the side as the Clouded Leopard rubbed against his soft hair.

"Oh, I see she has already taken a liking to you," Howard chuckled and puts his hands on his hips. His clothing is a very 60s style.

"I'm guessing this Clouded Leopard is a Ravens?" Hunter guessed as he gave more chin scratches to the beautiful small cat.

"Actually no." Howard said, he was surprised himself when he first found out. "Then why is she here?" Hunter wondered aloud.

"Same reason all these birds are here," Howard then pointed behind himself, "All the Ravens are over here. The Clouded Leopard on your shoulder roams the entire sky though, don't know why or how but she can," Howard shrugged.

Nature Boy: Camp Cretaceous (in rewriting process)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz