For Unity

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Not all of them came back for the eighth year.

It was a given Harry Potter wouldn't and that Hermione Granger would. They had been sure Ron Weasley would follow his love, and no one was more sure of it than Seamus, when Ron did not come to board the train that school year. Ginny punched him when he joked how Ron chose his boyfriend, and it almost caused a duel until Dean stepped between the two Gryffindors and told Seamus to apologize first. Sheepish, he did as asked.

Ginny called him a git.

She never apologized.

Luna told Seamus, some jokes are off-limits. Kindly, but still a clear reprimand.

After all, both Harry and Ron were out there, fighting as aurors.


But what was shocking were the Slytherins.

There were only a few of them, all fitting into one train compartment when it was time to come back: Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Daphne Greengrass, and jammed in there, between Gregory Goyle and Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy.

The blond had not really wanted to return, imagining that it wasn't going to be a very successful year. He'd be hunted for sure in the halls of the castle, and not only that, but what was the point of pursuing his education? No one was going to give him a job.

He was destined to be just like his father, just living off his gold.

Not that it was such a bad destiny, of course, but it wasn't exactly what he had dreamed of doing.

Nevertheless, as his mother had told him, one must adapt to new circumstances and the consequences of one's actions.


Love blossomed early.

Neville and Hannah Abbot first glanced shyly at each other from their respective tables, until Ginny got bored of the mooney eyes and told him to stand up and sit with the girl. The Hufflepuffs greeted his arrival to their table with a song.

It got easier after that.

Soon Ravenclaw sat with Gryffindor, and Huffs sat with the blue and silver. Three Houses, all together.

Then Hermione stood up one day, picking up her books, and sat down on the Slytherin table.

The Slytherins had all stopped in unison and stared at her. Brows furrowed in confusion, but if there was any disgust at the action, it died immediately when Goyle, of all people, offered her a bit of his pie.

From then on, Hermione was a feature at the table and if it all was very serious and stiff at the start, after a while everyone started to relax. There were even some jabs exchanged between Hermione and Pansy, but though they were sharp remarks, cutting, both girls seemed to enjoy it somehow.

Then, study sessions started, where a very blond head could be seen next to the untamed curls. Furious discussions on politics and creature rights had to be shushed by Madam Pince almost every day.

And about three months in, after two weeks had passed since the Prophet published an article telling everyone how the Chosen One was single again, Ginny Weasley joined the Slytherin table, her right hand clasped in Blaise's.

Draco Malfoy though, he remained single and adamantly so. Pansy seemed no longer interested in him, which was a relief, really, and though he was urged by his mother to try and move on from the war, he was unable to.

None of them really fit with him anyway.

Christmas comes and goes. Ginny was fit to be tied for weeks, muttering about her bitch of a brother and who does he think he is. Hermione joined her. It turned out, she and Ron broke up, too. Though she never told why, there were rumors of Ron siding with Harry and Hermione siding with Ginny.

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