Everyone headed to class bearing the sleepiness as always since class has always bored them to death, eve excluded of course

Mafu was balancing his pen on his nose till the teacher called him "what's the answer for this problem mafu"

"0" he answered nonchalantly, the others clicked their tongue as soon as he answered the question while giving him a disgusted glare

Mafu sighed while continuing to have fun balancing his pen, Amatsuki gave him a small smile with a thumbs up

Mafu already knew this lesson so he wasn't surprised by answering it correctly, he did appreciate his best friend's attempt in making him happy despite the disgusted glares around him

"Nee Soraru san are you eating lunch with us again" he asked making Soraru's attention turn towards him

He then ignored the albino's question and continued to stare at the walls making mafu pout

Lunch started Mafumafu immediately stood up infront on soraru and started pleading him to join them for lunch

"Oi mafu leave soraru san alone" amatsuki added while struggling to pull the albino away

"It's so unfair you're on his side ama chan!!"

"We've been here for 10 minutes and you're still pestering Soraru san about the same thing!!"

Soraru furrowed his brows and stood up while giving the two a deadly glare

Amatsuki flinched back while Mafu continued to stay infront of him with his eyes sparkling even more than before


Mafu gave him a bright smile and immediately grabbed the raven haired's arm dragging him to the roof

Amatsuki trying to process everything what happened was still left in the classroom

"Well you two were late wheres amatsuki?" The mushroom haired male ask before stuffing rice into his mouth

"Ahh...I think we may have left him"

"May have?" an angry voice came from behind as the sounds of a metal door closing can be heard

Mafu turned around to see his bestfriend's exhausted expression then quickly hid behind urata

"You'll get a nugget if you don't kill mafu" Urata added holding up a piece of nugget

Amatsuki quickly grabbed the nugget off his chopsticks then sat beside Sakata smiling in delight

"Does this usually happen" Soraru asked facing eve

"Quite often yes" he replied smiling

Before soraru could even ask anything he felt a sharp pain in his head which made everyone else look at him in concern

"Soraru are you alright?" Senra asked

"I'll take him to the infirmary you guys carry on" eve stood up leaving behind everyone as they continued to look at soraru groaning in pain

Eve led soraru through the long hallways till they finally reached the infirmary, he went in then locked the door

Soraru wondered why the door needed to be locked but his body reached his limit to even argue

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