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♥Third Pov♥

Ever since Raven came into the Swan Family, her and Bella haven't gotten along. Bella has bullied her, made fun of her and other things. Charlie and Renee has always love Raven ever since they adopted her.

Raven and Jacob became best friends since they were kids and Jacob has always seen Raven as a older sister and hates Bella being rude to Raven.

Billy Black has always been an uncle figure towards Raven. He's been always giving her good ideas to go to college when she finish high school.

Raven started to write music at the age of 14 and will always shows Charlie, Uncle Billy & Jake and they would always love the songs that she has written. And she calls Renee every night about all of the songs she wrote and Renee would be always proud of her.

And Bella? Well she was jealous of Raven and was envy on how very beautiful Raven was.

words: 161

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