Chaper 7: The silver wolf

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"Careful Kuragari" my mother called after me as I ran through the woodland.

"Listen to your mother my little stag. We don't want the Silver wolf having to save you!" My dad said in his caring voice.

"Daddy, who's the silver wolf?" I asked running up to my father and grabbing his leg.

"The silver wolf is.." my father began but a arrow coming out of a bush distracted him. It missed his neck by a hair width.

"RUN KURA RUN!" My dad shouted turning into his beastman form. My mother scooped me up in her arms and ran through the wood.

"Daddy!" I called looking over mothers shoulder reaching out to him.

"Look ahead Kura. Never look back." My mother instructed me. Tears flooded down my face.

"Daddy..." I sniffled.

*flashback end*

"I... I have heard of the silver wolf." I gulped, trying to blink away the tears that had built up in my eyes. "But he never told me the story."

"Well, the Silver wolf is a very well known god amongst beastmen. He's a protector that has been around for hundreds of years and has protected all of our ancestors.

He was said that his village Co existed with Humans until one day, they turned on the beastmen and killed all of them. They even shot the silver wolf dead, he died trying to save his people.

The silver wolf was reborn with extreme power as his soul was pure. Purer than an Angel. The silver wolf let his power rain down on the humans and got his revenge. But he hated himself for killing.

From that day forward he swore never to harm another soul unless he absolutely has to." The man spoke.

"But there is a floor in that promise." I said looking up at the man. I had sat myself on the floor in front of him out of habit when listening to my father tell me stories as a pup.

"Oh and what is that?" Ogami spoke in his deep voice.

"If he is a god; he wouldn't hurt anyone. Not even the humans, no matter how bad they hurt him. I can't help but think that when he got a taste of blood that he'll be out for more." I said looking at the floor.

"That's ridiculous! No god would kill for fun." Ogami stated almost angrily.

"I'm sorry to diss your culture but I just find it strange that's all." I said sighing and closing my eyes.

"That reminds me, Shirou, I remember when you said you didn't make mistakes but made a mistake by saying I was a beastman and not a human." Michiru laughed.

"That was an accident. Who knew u had beastmanitus." Ogami said growling a bit.

"And you locked me in the cupboard. If it wasn't for the mayor I think I would be still locked up." She laughed.

"You... what?" I said looking stunned at Ogami.

"I locked her in a cupboard. I thought she could transmit beastmen traits to humans, that would be dangerous if the humans found out she magically just changed into an animal." Ogami explained bringing the newspaper back up to his nose.

"Hey Shirou, what do you think about the Hybrid on the news?" Michiru asked.

"I think it's dangerous. It's unpredictable and quite frankly a freak of nature that should be impossible. Yet it could not be real at the same time. Humans will do anything to crave attention and photoshop is another option of theirs. If it is real however, I'll find it and I'll lock it up away from others. To protect the other beastmen of Anima City. Even if I do harm it, it is better harming one than letting 1000 be harmed."

Oh no... this is bad. This is really bad. They can't find out about me! I'll get locked up! Tested on even!

I sat there terrified of them. Shaking a little. I clenched my fists.

"But Mr Ogami, if your a protector of beastmen, being a social worker and everything, then surely you should protect this creature. He is a beastman after all!" I said through gritted teeth. "You don't know what he's been through. It must be hard for him to live in a beastman and human world as a hybrid."

"Why do you care?" Ogami said with a grumpy tone.

"Because. It's not right that someone is discriminated for who they are. Isn't Anima City a haven for beastman?"

"It is." Ogami spoke eyeing me. "What's your point?"

"My point is, is that, if that particular mammal has come to the city to find peace and have a break from being hunted only just to be hunted here, it's... it's just not right."

"Don't get your tail in a twist. We won't harm him, simply capture him and put him under restraint."

I simply didn't reply. I just sat there, my fists clenched and feeling full of terror. I could only swallow the built up saliva.

"You would put someone innocent under restraint for no reason, except that he has a dysphoria or different cells of the blood to you. For that reason you would lock him up? Your a pathetic wolf. One that should never have the right to lock anyone up! Thank you for the hospitality but I think I'd rather stay on the streets than with someone who's one minded and could turn on you." I said standing up off the ground.

I didn't realise that my tail and ears had popped out due to anger.

"Your fur." Ogami spoke.

"W..what?" I asked looking at him in a confused way.

"Your a husky?" Michiru asked tilting her head to the side.

My eyes widened and then grasped my head quickly to feel for antlers. Luckily they didn't sprout. I have an internal sign of relief.

"Ummm... yeah? Im a Siberian agouti husky... I most commonly get mistaken for a wolf." I said in a shy voice.

"No, I would be able to tell if you were a wolf." Ogami said. "But what I don't get is saying that you would become a lab rat and was scared of being tested when we asked you to shift in the police station and you refused."

"Oh well... you know, humans threatened to make me their lab rat because of my breed and looks. It's my worst nightmare, you know." I said lying but acting.

He only stared me down. I started sweating under his gaze.

"Boys, Michu, Breakfast is ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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