an angel in the window

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A long time ago before there where paved rodes this story had been told and even today people have claimed to see the angel.
It was a cold but was not winter cold at this time most people would check out the window to see if the day seemed to be clear and if it was they would let the kids out to play in the yard. On this morning the day was clear and the mother let the kids out to play. She had been cleaning the house when she had a bad feeling that something was off she turned and looked threw the window only to see an angel waving back at her. She said that it was only there for a moment the mother stopped what she was doing and rushed out the door yelling for her kids to come in the kids ran to the house and barely missed being pounced on by a hungry cougar.
The angel since has appeared over and over and always seems to apear before I tragedy might happen.
(Would you like me to include the other instances of the sitting if so leave a comment)  ok let me know if you want sighting 3 but here is sighting two sighting 3 is the last sighting of the angel I am aloud  to post other peopple have seen the angel as well but they told me it is there story to tell when they are ready. If you think something similar might have happened to you. Don't be afraid and comment your story in the comments you should know you are not alone.
Sighting number 2: It was a normal day like any other nothing in that day hinted that anything was off. I looked out the window messing with my new phone as my older brother and young cousin sat at the table. It was the first time I had ever owned a phone that had a camera and I was really excited about it so I was taking pictures I must have taken 10 pictures already of random blurry birds. When suddenly  the camera captured in the window a figure it honestly looked like marry from the bible or at least like all the images the churches have of her. Only she had wings on her back. I looked at the picture on my phone for maybe five seconds when I had such a strong feeling that something was not right. I looked at the window and could see the shinny golden blue eyes of the angel I know it sounds odd but the angels eyes looked like a beach like waves crashing onto golden sand. I heard a sound from behind me it was loud a loud sorta cracking noise that echoed thought the room   and I remember just diving to the left. If I had been a secound later a knife would have been sticking out my left eye our Chandelier had fallen on to the table and landed on a knife sending it flying right at me. My heart was racing if the angel had not have appeared I wondered would I still have stood there in that spot taking pictures of birds I might never know.

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