However, Shark was looking at the walls, and told Tarantula, "Uh...I'm not so sure."

This made Tarantula curious, "What do you mean"?

Shark framed his hands to look like a picture frame, and said, "I'm seeing the walls a nice shade of white, and with cute little girly designs for it. Something very fitting for a lady."

Tarantula scowled and commented while crossing her arms, "Uh, excuse me, but I'm not into girly things like you are."

Shark, a little surprised, turned to face Tarantula, "But it'd make it cute though."

Tarantula groaned while retorting, "For you, maybe, but not me. I'd rather inhale one of Piranha's fart clouds than have anything girly in my room!"

Meanwhile, in Hornet's room, Piranha was busy using some sort of sealer glue to attach the light green glass pieces to the circular window frame, when Hornet came in, saying at first, "Okay, I attached the- whoa, whoa, stop!"

Piranha stopped what he was doing and asked, "Everything okay? What's wrong?"

Hornet answered, "No, nothing's wrong, but I didn't want those light green glass pieces for my window. I wanted the light blue ones."

Piranha then commented, "But light green is colorful, and besides, having light blue glass is boring."

Hornet then replied, "But that color is gonna make it very hard to really see anything through the window. Light blue is more common and easier to glance through."

Piranha then asked, "Does the color really matter? As long as you can see through a window, that's what matters. So, what were you gonna say?"

Hornet sighed tiredly, "Anyways, I finished installing that shelf you wanted. Place it right next to your bed near the wall."

Piranha dropped the sealer glue gun in shock, and shouted, "What?!" and ran to his room, where he saw a wooden shelf installed next to his bedside, and it was short too.

Hornet then added, "I figured you wanted it there so it'd be easier to reach your things."

Piranha then commented, "But I didn't want the shelf there; I wanted it above my bedside. I wanted to be able to reach things up high, not just have it casually at the same level as me."

In Snake's room, Wolf was putting some fluffy, colorful, throw pillows on the bed, as Snake, who watched while feeling a little bit uncomfortable, commented, "Uh buddy, as much as I appreciate the help, I don't need that many throw pillows."

Wolf chuckled, "Yeah, but imagine how comfy you'll feel when you nap. It'll be pure—" Just then, he suddenly heard a crash.

Wolf ran outside and ended up witnessing what was possibly a huge mess being made.

Shark was trying to push a huge dresser and accidentally collided into Piranha, making him splatter paint everywhere from the floor to the walls.

Tarantula was putting what she "thought" was paint on a blank wallpaper piece and saw Hornet coming by to pick it up, and he got hopelessly stuck. As the little bug struggled to get free, Tarantula looked at the "paint can" and saw she had been actually putting tan glue on it, making Tarantula sheepishly smile and chuckle.

Wolf, who was the only team member who didn't need any help, tried to clean up some of the messes the other team members were making, but it was very hard, especially with Piranha often tossing pieces of furniture around to the other team members, who scurried to catch them before anything could break.

Wolf saw Snake accidentally get wrapped up by a long measuring tape that was being dragged off by Shark, who wanted to borrow it.

Tarantula was lifting up a chair to sweep up the garbage underneath it, but it was very heavy, and it accidentally toppled and fell onto Piranha's foot, making the fish scream so loud, and hilarious, like a girl.

The Bad Guys: New Beginnings, New NormalМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя