Ei/Raiden Shogun

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A/N: This first one is dedicated to my bestie, shoutout to them!!


You wander around the streets of Inazuma, as the sun shines directly onto your face, causing you to shield your eyes.

It had been a couple of months since the Vision Hunt Decree had been abolished, allowing everyone's visions to be returned to their respectable owners. You had managed to keep yours consficated, although almost caught a few times here and there.

Under the words of Kujou Sara, you were to meet with the Shogun herself, which had absolutely baffled you when Kujou came to your door bearing the news. The Almighty Shogun? Had requested to see little ol' you?

You arrive at the place of destination, Sara standing there, surround by a couple of Tenryou  Commission guards standing next to her. She had her arms crossed, as if she had somewhere more important to be.

"Just so you know, I don't like you for seeing the Almighty Shogun herself over me." Sara scoffed as she roughly grabbed your arm. You jumped in shock a little, but followed Kujou Sara, the guards right behind you.

As you arrive at the door, Sara roughly opened the door, practically shoving you inside, and closing the door. You could hear her distant grunts from outside the door, as if this was nothing but a bothersome request for her. What was so impressive about the Shogun seeing you?

Before you had time to think and gather your thoughts, you were suddenly transported to some other form of dimension. It was covered in sand and pillars, which filled you with even more confusion before.

"Why Hello (Your Name). It's nice to finally meet you in person" A soft spoken voice spoke, directed towards you. You spun around to see Raiden Shogun floating behind you, seeming go be in a almost peaceful state of mind.

"H..Hello Almight Shogun!" You managed to studder out, bowing in front of the Shogun.

But all she did was chuckle; "Oh please, call be Ei. It's just alone in my conscious." You seemed baffled. Ei? The Almighty Shogun wanted you to call her..Ei?

"I'm sure your very confused, so let me explain. The Raiden Shogun you know is a puppet, I simply moniter her actions from the outside. You are in my conscious. I am your true Archon. Ei."

Even though she had provided a explanation, you were still confused. The Archon you know wasn't the actually Archon?? It all was rushing to your head, and you were confused.

All she did was chuckle once again; "This is new to you. I presume? The only others to enter this place is Yae and Traveler." Ei offered you a smile.

"Forgive me Sho- I mean Ei, but this is all confusing..why did you summon me?"

Ei simply smiled, and walked over to you, lifting up your chin in the process, her purple eyes were glowing.

"It's simple, honestly. I've been monitoring your actions for a while now, and I've taken quite a liking to you. Dear (Your Name)."

You face turned a simple shade of pink, astonished that the Almighty Shogun had taken a liking to you, out of everyone in Inazuma. What made you so special? After all, you were just a mortal.

Ei let go of your chin, and walked around you in circles as she spoke; "You always stood out to me. You were brave enough to avoid the Vision Hunt Decree from confiscating your vision. You're always kind to the people around you, you, after all, are well suited for a God like me."

You couldn't help but giggle and smile, even though you could feel your face burn up with embarrassment. No one had ever complimented you this way. Especially not the Almighty Shogun.

Ei had stopped circling around you, and quietly lifted you into your arms, and kissed your forehead.

"Lets return you back to Inazuma, just promise you'll remain with me for Enternity, alright?"

"I promise, Ei."

And with that, you were back in the place you were before.

Was that all a dream?


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