Chapter 7

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Travis pov

I wasn't paying attention until the last part, "So what I mean to ask is..." Sal paused for a moment before he spoke again, "Will you be my uhh...pretend boyfriend?" I for froze for a second. 'ME? PRETEND BOYFRIEND?? WHY ME???' "Why though? Why would I 'pretend' date you?" Sal just stared at me for a few seconds then talked again "Well...uhh you see I might have accidentally, maybe told the gang that we're uhhh dating?" ...what? "Sorry but, did I hear that right? You told them that were dating? WHY?" "Well I didn't exactly say it was you but I just couldn't think of anyone else!"

I mean, what I said wasn't wrong, I really couldn't think of anyone else besides him.
"Sorry Sal,but I can't." WHAT? I mean I expect that response, BUT STILL!
"Please Travis!" "I don't know Sal.." "If you I won't bother you again!"

Travis POV

It's not that I don't want him to leave me alone but... "Mm...Fine." "THANK YOU SO MUCH TRAVIS" and this was the beginning of The deal we made. "Okay so I'll introduce you to the gang today." Wait what- TODAY?? "Uh...sure?" Someone. Anyone. KILL ME NOW!

3rd pov

Sal and Travis went inside and started walking to the lunch table where the gang was. "Um, this might be awkward but uh, I think we should hold hands..." Travis had a thousand thoughts running through his head 'Holding hands? WITH SAL FISHER! Jshsbjslwkshbd' "Okay." ' he seems a little too calm' Sal thought looking at how extremely calm Travis was. But, Travis was indeed not calm. Sal and Travis walked into the cafeteria while holding hands (I forgot to mention that they were talking in their lunch period) "Hey guys!..." They all turned around "Oh hey Sa-" Larry paused when he saw him and Travis holding hands. "...Sal" "yes" "why are you holding hands with Travis?" Larry asked. "Um well you know how I said I'm uh, dating someone?" Larry was about to talk when he realized why they were holding hands. "Wait, you...and Travis?" He said in shock. "Y-yea." The was suddenly filled with awkward silence. "You better start explaining how THIS happened Sally" 'shit' Sal and Travis thought at the same time.

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