Natsuo sat on the other side of Shouto, taking turns reading the book with Fuyumi. Shouto's silent treatment lasted a grand total of seven minutes, a new personal record. But when Natsuo waved the last blue popsicle from the freezer in Shouto's face and told him he could have it if he stopped being mad at him, Shouto caved instantly.

It was as if his siblings planned it. Once Fuyumi read the final sentence and closed the book, Touya's voice rang from the front entrance.

"I'm home."


Shouto jumped off the couch and raced out of the living room. The pattering of his little feet echoed through the house as the walls were paper thin.

"And now we're chopped liver," Natsuo muttered.

Touya stood in the foyer, removing his cleats. He had baseball practice after school, so he was always the last one home. On game days, Shouto got to watch him play if it wasn't too far from where they lived. Those were his favorite days, watching his prodigy of a big brother play the sport he loved so much. At all of Touya's games, he was the best player out of both teams. It wasn't even close.


Touya turned and opened his arms just in time to catch Shouto and lift him in the air. "Hey buddy!" He kissed his cheek. "I missed you today."

Shouto's pudgy hands caressed the sides of Touya's face. "I missed you too." He gave Touya a kiss of his own, right on the nose.

With Shouto settled on his hip, Touya flashed his trademark smile. "So, how was my big little bro's first day of school? Were the other kids nice to you?"

Shouto started to say yes, but stopped when he spotted his mother out of the corner of his eye. She must have entered the foyer while he and Touya exchanged greetings. "Well..."

Touya tilted his head to one side and directed his gaze at his mother. "What happened?"

Rei, expression neutral, brushed Shouto's hair with her fingers. "Your brother got into a fight on the playground with another boy. Pushed him to the ground."

"All right, Shouto!" Touya cheered. He held his hand out for Shouto to high-five him. "Way to show that loser who's boss!"


Touya cleared his throat, but not without emitting a slight laugh. "Right. Shouto," he said with a fake stern tone, "it's not okay to hit people. Next time use your words if someone upsets you. Understand?"

Shouto nodded eagerly. He did whatever Touya asked him to without complaint. "Mhmm."

"What's this I hear about hitting?"

Shouto's face went pale as his eyes flickered toward the doorway. His father was by the entrance, hanging his coat on the rack. In one swift motion, Touya set Shouto down and moved in front of him. Shouto peered from behind Touya's leg and stared up at his father.

Enji Todoroki stood out compared to the rest of his family. For starters, he was huge, both in height and in muscle content. And unlike his free spirited children, Enji hardly displayed any emotion apart from nonchalance at best and unadulterated rage at worst. Shouto couldn't think of a single time he'd seen his father smile.

Something Shouto knew all too well, however, was the way his mother's demeanor shifted whenever his dad entered a room.

Rei exhaled before gently patting the air, signaling for Enji to calm down. "There was a minor incident at school, but everything's been taken care of."

Enji grunted. "One day at that place and he's already acting out. I told you it was a waste of time sending him."

"His teacher informed me that he was an absolute delight the rest of the day," Rei insisted. "He participated in all the activities without fuss and he willingly shared his toys with the other kids. Miss Yukizome says he's a bright kid, he just needs some guidance. But she said Shouto could easily catch up to his classmates by the end of the month if-"

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