Charlie Please wake up

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Nick's POV:

Harry's party was really loud and boring and Charlie was the only thing that made it fun I really liked him and I think he liked me as-well, we were sat in the main ballroom and I was so pleased when Charlie told me that he'd stood up to Ben. I smiled at him and gazed into his beautiful eyes and said 'It's really loud in here, shall we go somewhere abit more quiet' Charlie nodded and said 'Yeah good idea, see if you can catch me' Charlie ran out of the ballroom and up the winding staircase I ran after him and finally caught up to him we opened a door at random and gasped as we walked into a smaller ballroom with a shining crystal chandelier and mirrors with gold frames. 

I sat down on the floor and Charlie sat down beside me and after a few minutes silence he looked at me and said 'Would you kiss someone who wasn't a girl', I looked at Charlie and said 'I don't know....... Maybe' me and Charlie moved our hands closer until our fingers were touching and we felt sparks between us Charlie looked up at me and said 'Would you kiss me' I nodded and we both leaned in until finally our lips crashed together. 

Kissing Charlie was the best feeling I've ever felt, it was like kissing someone who'd just come in from the cold, once we parted I pulled him into my chest and we stayed like that for a moment until I heard Harry's voice echoing down the corridor. I looked at Charlie and said 'Stay here I'll be back in a minute, we'll go back to mine and play video games how does that sound' Charlie nodded and said 'That sounds like a wonderful idea'. 

Charlie's POV:

I stood in the empty ballroom waiting for Nick to come back whilst I waited I couldn't help but imagine how magical it would be if me and Nick were in each-others arms slow dancing around the room to our favourite song, I was pulled from my fantasy when I heard the door open I turned around expecting to see Nick but instead I saw Ben. I felt nervous as I saw him lock the door I stood my ground and said 'Ben I meant what I said, I want you to stay away from me', Ben walked towards me and backed me against the wall before saying 'Yeah well I'm not done with you Charlie, now shut up and bend over like the desperate whore you are'. 

I pushed past Ben and made a run for the door but he grabbed me and chucked me to the floor, he flipped me over and pulled trousers and boxers down and the next thing I felt was sheer pain as Ben thrusted into me with no lube. I cried hoping that someone would save me I tried to push Ben off me as I said 'Ben please stop it hurts' I cried even louder as Ben grabbed my hair and slammed my head down onto the thick wooden floor before he whispered 'You really thought I would ever love someone like you, you were just a tragic loser with barely any friends who ate lunch alone everyday and let bullies walk all over him . I never loved you I just felt really sorry for you and saw how desperate you were for a good fucking, and now look at you torn, bleeding and legs open like slut and nobody will ever love you'. 

Ben kicked me continuously in the stomach I felt like my ribs were going to explode as he kicked me on final time before walking over to the door I turned my head to the side and watched as Ben turned to look at me one last time before walking out of the room closing the door behind him. 

Nick's POV:

Once Harry had stopped talking I left the room and made my way back to the ballroom where I'd left Charlie I just wanted to go home and spend the evening with Charlie and ask him to be my boyfriend, as I reached the door to the ballroom I noticed that it was open I slowly pushed it open and my knees nearly gave way as I saw Charlie lying un-conscious on the floor. I ran over to him and knelt down beside him and took his right hand in mine and said 'Charlie please wake up it's me Nick, please don't leave me'. 

I picked up my phone and rang an ambulance who told me they were sending help but I had to put him in the recovery position and keep him warm, a few minutes passed and the Paramedics arrived they quickly assessed Charlie's injuries the female paramedic looked at me and said 'Did you see what happened Nick'. I shook my head and said 'No I left to go and call us a taxi and when I came back I found him like this. What are his injuries' the Paramedic's moved Charlie across onto the trolley bed and one of them said 'Obviously we'll know more when we get him to the hospital, but he could possibly have cracked ribs and it looks like he may have been sexually attacked'. 

I broke down in tears as the Paramedic told me that Charlie might have been Raped, the female Paramedic placed a hand on my shoulder and said 'Try not to worry Nick. Would you like to come with us in the Ambulance' I stood up and said 'Yes I never want to leave his side again'. The journey to the hospital seemed to take forever I held Charlie's right hand and squeezed it to let him know that I was here with him, when we arrived at the hospital I followed the paramedics through the corridor and as they wheeled Charlie into recovery I was stopped by a nurse who told me I had to wait in the waiting room. 

*~*~*~*~* Line Break *~*~*~*~*

(Still Nick's POV:)

I paced nervously around the waiting room all I could think was the worst what if he didn't survive or had serious injuries, it had just turned 10 o'clock when a nurse walked in and said 'Anyone here for Charlie Springs' I stood up and said 'Um yes I am, is he okay please tell me he's alright'. The nurse took a deep breath and said 'He's going to be fine, he's got two cracked ribs and a rather nasty laceration on the right side of his forehead. It also looks like he may have been raped as-well and we think he may be struggling with an eating disorder as-well'. 

I shifted on my feet and said 'Can I see him please' the nurse smiled and said 'Of course follow me I'll take you to his room'. 

Charlie's POV:

I woke up to the sound of a machine beeping I opened my eyes and quickly closed them again as the light was blinding as I closed them I heard the door to my room opening followed a voice I'd heard whilst I was un-conscious, I opened my eyes again and saw Nick stood in the doorway. I smiled and said 'Your here' he ran to the bedside and pulled me into a hug and cried as he said 'I'm so sorry that I wasn't there to protect you, I should never have left you alone', I placed my right hand on Nick's right cheek and said 'Hey it's not your fault so please don't beat yourself up about it. Did the nurse tell you what Ben did to me and also about my eating disorder'. 

Nick sat beside me on the bed and held my left hand in his as he said 'yeah she did, I'm sorry that he raped you. Can I ask you how long you've been struggling with this eating disorder', I took a deep breath and said 'Um it all started shortly after I got together with Ben, we went out for food and it went from just making comments about my weight to telling me I was eating too much and that he would dump me if I was fat. So I stopped eating and when I did I always made myself sick afterwards, I know it's a lot to deal with so I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore'. 

I felt the fingers on Nick's right hand underneath my chin as he bought my gaze back up to meet his as he said 'Charlie my love you are the only person I want to be with. I love everything about you and I want to make so many incredible memories with you, travel the world with you, marry you and finally have a family with you', right now I felt like the luckiest teenage boy alive I had a loving boyfriend who supported me and loved me for exactly who I was. 


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