The introduction

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"Oh yeah you're right," Sah said to his sister. "Im Sah and the one next to me is Mek," Sah introduced to himself and points to his sister. "And what's your name you two." Mek asked a question.

"My name is Klee and this is Lumine." Klee answred Mek in her calm voice. "Also me and Klee have elemental powers," Lumine stated that they have a elemental to the twins. "Ah, that's something new you don't see everyday." Mek said. "And what they do?" "Well if you want an elemental, you need a vison and find yourself a thing to get it like I did when I got pyro also Lumine and Aether are the only ones who don't an elemental but they have the ability to sawp between them." Klee told the twins in a very calm voice.

The twins nodded and Lumine was still thinking about her life choices even she don't know what to do in this world. After talking and the introduction, The twins take Lumine and Klee to their castle or their temple.

Lumine's POV: As i step into the castle or a temple whatever, it was so beautiful like the sunset on the evening sky. "Hey is this place have you know bedrooms, bathrooms, and food to eat like any castle," I asked one of the twins a question. "Well we do but our food is differnt from yours, we eat krills, crabs, and another things that we eat in our world." Mek answered my question. I just nodded and one of the twins lend me and Klee to our rooms.

~End of POV~

The twins told the girls that they are elders and Lumine told the twins that she and her brother are 3000+ years old meanwhile Klee was smirking that Sah and Lumine have a thing between them. 

"I hope you have a good night's sleep," Sah told the girls while Mek was taking care of things. Klee was fast asleep. "You too and Klee is a deep sleeper soooo yeah," Lumine told Sah while Klee is sleeping.

Sah thanked Lumine and Lumine thanked Sah. Sah closes the door and Lumine was asleep. Sah walked and Mek was there. "AH!" yelled Sah. "In the love of megabird you scared me, Mek." Sah was shocked that his sister scared him.

"I got to say Sah, you got a crush on Lumine, also it is true you have a crush on her." Mek teased her brother. "No, it's just I was making sure Lumine and Klee were okay." He told to Mek.

"I think you're lying that you like Lumine very much," Mek stated that to her borther. "Can you just shut up." Sah said in his annoyed voice. 

Mek walked away without a care in the world and thinking that Sah and Lumine would make a great couple.

Klee was making a note and Mek smirked at Klee, Klee smirked at Mek.

Then Klee was asleep with Mek.

The girls hoped that they get used to this in the world of sky.

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