[IV] Flowers and Basil's house

Start from the beginning

"Ah! These are a type of flower called the Gladiolus!" Basil exclaimed.

Kel stands there, confused. "The Gladio-what?"

"Gladiolus! Also known as the 'Sword Flower'! As you might guess, they represent strength of a character. Someone who is honest, with strong moral values... Someone who stands by their convictions... The Gladiolus reminds me of Aubrey, because she's always true to herself!" Basil explains yet again.

"Oh, I see... So what you're saying is that Aubrey is really stubborn!" Kel said with a big smile.

"Hey! No, I'm not! Right, [A/N]!?" Aubrey denies it as she looks at [A/N].

"Of course haha... Don't listen to Kel." [A/N] said to assure her as they gently patted Aubrey's head. On the other hand, She stuck out a tongue at Kel.

"Haha... Okay! Let's move on!" Basil said cheerfully as they continued... To find another Sprout Mole. But this time, it was twirling on the small flowers.

"Oh no, not again! Please, Mr. Sprout Mole! Stop twirling! You're destroying all of the flowers!" Basil begs again, worried, as a flower-plant lover.

The Sprout Mole, however, charges at the group too. But this time, the Sprout Mole looks nicely... Happier than the last one.

The Sprout Mole is currently feeling a Happy emotion. It has a higher chance to hit weak spots and do more damage, but it also has a higher chance of missing.


After the Sprout Mole was defeated, Hero told everyone about how Emotions can determine how strong or weak an attack is. Hero gave an Emotion Chart guide to Omori.

[A/N] peeked over to see the chart. It was nicely doodled by Hero. Happy beats Angry... Angry beats Sad... Sad beats Happy... And so on.

Another talk, then another walk. They approached a funky-looking plant.

"Whoa! What are these flowers called? They're all cool and spiky!" Kel said, mouth agape in admiration for the plant.

Basil smiles at Kel. "Actually Kel... This is a Cactus! It's more of a plant than a flower... And it's funny that you ask, because they remind me of you!"

"Is it because... He's a prick?" Aubrey smiles in anticipation of Basil's answer.

"Hey!" Kel pouted.

Basil sweatdropped. "Well... That too, but mostly because Cacti are pretty sturdy and resilient plants by nature. They don't need much care and can survive in seemingly impossible conditions! I guess what I'm saying... Is that even you can take care of a Cactus, Kel!" He explains.

"Whoa, neat! Cacti are awesome!" Kel cheered, giving everyone a toothy grin.

[A/N] looked over to another flower patch. "Oh hey, what type are those flowers? They look so silly and colorful." [A/N] said, examining the flower patch.

"Oh! These flowers are Chrysanthemums!" Basil told them.

"...The Ch...What-the-mum...?" [A/N] tried to repeat what Basil had said, though a little confused, they got the spirit. I guess.

"This has a much more complicated pronunciation than the... Gladion-Luz... Or something..." [A/N] thought, sighing internally as they realize they need to research more on these simple things.

"Chrysanthemums! Chrysanthemums symbolize fidelity, optimism, and joy. These fun blossoms also can convey loyal love, hope, and cherished friendship. And in some places, Chrysanthemums are known for being good luck flowers! It's nice that you were the one to bring up this flower patch, [A/N]. Because these blossoms remind me of you!" Basil exclaims.

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