Chapter 1 the beginning

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Mika pov

At the Macklin family's house

It is the first day of school , same friends but a new year! Me, Miles, Chapa, and Bose are 15 this year and we met last year but that doesn't change anything. "MILES, HURRY UP, WE CANNOT BE LATE!" I shouted at Miles as he was still not ready.

"I'll be down in a bit! ... ok fine I'm coming out! Miles told me while I was counting down the seconds to class in my head. "Mika! Miles! Are you two ready, get into the car if you are!" My mom yelled. 

I ran to the car passing Miles and and when I was there I said to Miles, out of breath "I...won..." "it wasn't even a competition! Stop being so competitive!" Mile laughed at my disbelief and anger towards him for saying that.

At Swellview Junior High (a school)

I tried to calm down and took deep breaths since we were already there. I was so excited for all the new topics that I most likely will know. "Bye kids be good!" Mom exclaimed with a warm smile so me and Miles waved good bye and went in the school.

"Let's see if you will make any new friends this year" Miles smirked playfully but I just rolled my eyes. I wonder where Bose and Chapa are, so I'm gonna look for them since we have time and THEN I could go for my first class with is math. 

"I'm gonna go to class to please my teacher for me being early and then later prank them!" Miles evilly laughed as he walked away, leaving me worried about how much trouble he might be in.

Bose pov

My mom, along with my dad, just drop me at my school, even though I miss them I don't think I wanna miss an opportunity of seeing my friends Miles, Mika, and Chapa, especially Mika... while daydreaming about her. Anyways, I wonder where they are, I better go find them before my next class, don't wanna be late.

"Mika! Miles! Chapa! Bose! Oh wait that me... hope no one heard that part." I yelled regretting saying that a little. I walked around a little while when just as I was about to give up, I see Miles walking to a class, "Miles! It's Bose! Over here!" I yelled. Miles saw me came over to me, "Hey, Bose my man! What's up!"Miles greeted with a friendly tone. "Hey Miles, long time no see, looking forward to class later?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm gonna prank the teachers hard! But without them knowing it was me!" Miles said with an evil grin.

"Aren't you gonna get in trouble if you get caught?" I asked with a worried expression. "Don't worry I have a full proof plan so I won't get caught, wanna join me?" Miles offered but I wasn't that interested in pranking and getting in trouble so I said no thanks. Miles then shrugged and went to class, that when I saw Mika and Chapa talking again, memories flowed in my head.

Chapa pov

"... and THAT was the best part!" Mika and I laughed but then Mika stopped, spotted Bose and went to him so I followed her too. "Bose! I missed you so much!" Mika exclaimed and went to hug him. "Mika! I missed you too! You too Chapa!" Bose hugged Mika then me but I backed up a bit after hugging to give Bose and Mika space to talk, since I think they are very cute together.

Mika pov

First day of school and I'm already nervous, well, a little and I missed everyone so much but not as much as Bose*sigh* I missed those day... "Anything I missed wth you that you want to tell me?" I asked knowing this might get a little awkward and Chapa is smiling and leaving us alone by walking away for some reason. "Nothing important  you've missed, what about you?" Bose questioned. 

My heart started pounding faster than it was supposed to while I thought about what he missed but I couldn't concentrate since Bose is acting kinda cute so I just say what he said. "N-nothing important t-that y-you have m-missed, I j-just stayed h-home" I stuttered, a bit too much, WHAT WAS I THINKING WHY DID I STUTTER SO MUCH, well it was too late anyway. 

Bose pov

"Well I hope you are okay but we better get to class, I'm having history so the teacher there is very strict I just know it, cya!" I said as she waved goodbye, so I just waved back smiling awkwardly and then regret smiling like that, WHO SMILES LIKE THAT OH MY GOD IM SO EMBARRASSED, more than before, Mika probably thinks I'm weird and on the first day of  school!

1 hour later

Ughhhhh HISTORY was soooo BOOOOORIIIIIING, even more boring than... ALL OF THE SUBJECTS! Well, at least it is over for today, I fell asleep in 5 minutes, how is that possible!? I just got out of there ready for my next class in 5 minutes when Mika came up to me, "Hi Bose! How was history and are you okay?" Mika questioned concerned. 

"First, history was found out the most boring subject in this in my opinion and second, no I'm not okay, I got scolding for falling asleep the first 5 minutes because the Teachers there are very strict like I said." I said rubbing my tired eyes, yawning and feeling miserable but Mika's concern stare made me feel better.

Mika pov

Awwwwww I feel so bad for him, he looks so tired and cute so I decided the next best thing. I took deep breaths and kissed him on the cheek, "I hope this made you feel better." I smiled

The next thing I knew is that Bose froze, WHY DID I DO THAT NOW IM WORRIED, hopefully he is alright. "I-it is t-time f-for my c-class now b-bye..." Bose stuttered and went to his class, daydreaming a little, leaving me more worried that he could crash into a wall while walking.

Bose pov

I feel like I had the weirdest dream ever that Mika just kissed me... wait I've been a wake the whole time, that means... *gasp* Mika DID KISS ME! OMG OMG OMG, why did she kiss me, does she like me back...? Nahhhh.

Well, class is starting anyway so I better listen, who knows how fierce and strict the next teacher is going to be, and maybe after school I can talk to Mika about what happened or I will just wait for the right time which might not be today...or next week...or next month... or even forever...

(Authors note: I hope you like it comment down what you think and probably I will update soon and pls don't hate me for anything, word count for chapter one :1100.)

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