~Prologue~(Areum's POV)

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"엄마, 아빠!!" I called out to mom and dad as I stepped through the door.

[Mom, Dad!!]

"네, baby?!" They yell back from the living room.


"I have something to tell you guys." I say nervously as I step infront of them. They look up from their paperwork that lays on the coffee table in the middle of us. They nodded at me, urging me to keep going on.

"I'm...I'm a little." I say and look at them, trying to read them as they stare at me emotionlessly.

"What exactly do you mean?" My dad asks dryly.

"I have a mental disorder called 'a little', an age regressor-" I stopped mid sentence as I studied the anger in their face.

"Get out." They both say in unison.

"W-What?" I stuttered out in shock.

"Get. Out." My mom says sternly standing up along with my dad.

"어-엄마-" I started as tears burned at the corner of my eyes, begging to fall. "W-What about Alicia and Tyler? Who's gonna take care of them?"


"Who?" My mom yells as she approaches me with her hand up.

Then, she slaps me. I screamed in pain. My dad kicked me in my abdomen. They continued to beat me repeatedly until they were satisfied.

"You are!" My Mom yelled at me. "Take them with you and leave! Never come back again!" She shouted.

"You are such a disgrace to our family..ALL three of you!" My dad yelled angrily.

"Pack your bags and leave." My mom says.

"B-But-" I start only to soon get cut off.

"가!!" My dad shouts at me.


I nodded silently as I cried hysterically. Slowly and Painfully forcing my sore body to get up. Turning towards the stairs, I head to my room pack my two giant suitcases with my clothes and then grabbing my three medium sized ones for the twins' clothes and two of my small ones for our shoes. I called my cousin Regie and told him the situation I was in from the uptil now. He told me he understood and offered us to stay with him and his friends. Having no other choice I took up the offer. We ended the call and I started packing my things.

Once I finished packing my stuff, I headed into Alicia's and Tyler's shared room. They were both playing with each other before I walked in with tears still running down my face, and my bruised body. They ran to me and I bent down so that they can hug me.

"What's wong Re-Re?"Tyler asked me innocently. I looked at them and tried to dry my tears.

"Babies- We-We have to leave. We're going to go live with-with Regie-오빠. A-And it will be fun o-okay babies?" I said with as much courage and reassurance as I could, not knowing if I was trying to assure them or myself.

[Oppa(older brother)]

"Why?"  Alicia asked.

"Because of  teenage and adult stuff  okay? But we're gonna have fun with regie oppa and his friends and when we get there I-I'll by you guys 3 treats each, 알았어?" I answered.


"네." They say in unison.


I packed their clothes and their shoes and by 7:00 p.m. I finished packing all our important things that aren't replaceable and that's when my parents yelled at us to get out. I dragged our suitcases down the stairs then I went back upstairs to get the twins. We went back downstairs and once we stepped foot out of the house there was no turning back.

And that's exactly what we did. We left and didn't turn back.

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