Chapter 13

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a/n- author's note:)

e/n- editor's note:)

~After the final selection because nothing interesting happened and that we're too lazy to narrate the whole thing~

Third person's pov

Both Y/n and Muichiro came out of the demon infested mountain without a scratch. Nevermind, y/n still has the small scratch on her forehead from the incident before, however her ankle managed to heal quickly.

"Congratulations on completing the final selection, you will now pick your ores." The two girls from the beginning of the final selection reappeared again.

Y/n looked around and noticed that other than Muichiro and herself, about 50% of the participants successfully survived the final selection. (a/n: Lets just pretend they didn't run into hand demon. e/n: why not:( i wanna kill that bitch- *ahem* anyways..CONTINUE THE STORY:D)

Muichiro and y/n managed to slay dozens of demons in the mountain, making it easier for other participants to survive.

Anyways, after Muichiro's pick, it was y/n's turn to pick an ore.

Y/n stepped up to the table full of... ores. They all looked similar, there was nothing too different about them.

'Is this one better? No that, oh maybe this? Wait no THAT one... wait no, Maybe t-'

Suddenly, someone's hand gripped onto y/n's shoulder, dug their nails into her flesh and yanked her backwards, causing her to almost lose her balance but she managed to prevent herself from tipping.

"Oi! What's your problem? Just pick one, you're so slow, stupid (a/n: bitch-? excuse me?)" A girl that was taller and older with a face full of bruises screamed into y/n's ear.

"Geez... i'm sorry, why do you have to be so rude?" y/n replied while massaging the side of her ear.

The girl's eye twitched in annoyance and grabbed y/n by her collar.

Y/n wasn't really bothered, after slaying so many demons in the mountain with barely any sleep, she just wanted to go home, but before that she had to pick an ore that she truly wants.

Before the hot tempered girl could open her mouth and throw more vulgarities at y/n, the boy with the mint-green eyes grabbed onto her arm.

"Let go of her." He demanded.

"Or what? What are you going to do about it? Punch me? Your way smaller than m-" (e/n: wait a minute- im getting deja vu-)

'WHACK' the girl flew 2 metres away from her original spot, and landed with a loud thud.

"Y-you!" The girl's face is now bruised red from the punch.

"Mui-" y/n hesitated after Muichiro turned to smile at her.

"Go on, pick your ore." Muichiro pointed back to the table.

Y/n nodded and hesitantly went back to selecting her ores, trying not to think about the reckless girl on the ground.

The sunray of dawn wiped away the shadows on the table, giving y/n a clearer view of the rocks. One in particular glimmered due to the reflection of the sunlight, making it stand out.

'This must be it.' Y/n thought as she reached out to grab the ore.

Moments later, after all the participants had picked out their ores, they were given crows. Muichiro received a female crow with long and flashy eyelashes. Y/n could hear her complimenting Muichiro as she perched up on his arm.

"Wow! I sense you are so strong! So much potential! You will do great! You are better than everyone else here! CAW CAW!"

Meanwhile y/n received an odd looking crow. It was a male albino crow.

The white crow landed on top of y/n's head and sat comfortably.

"Greetings y/n! Greetings y/n! Caw caw!" The polite bird fluttered his pure white feathers.

Y/n's lips curled up into a gentle smile, happy and excited about what is to come. Y/n missed home dearly.

After the selection, y/n and Muichiro supported each other back home due to fatigue.

"We did it, Muichiro."

"Yes we did, how long do we have to wait for our sword again?" Muichiro scratched the back of his head, forgetting the words of the two girls from the selection.

"In 15 days, we will get our uniforms too!"

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