Chapter 2: Transformation

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10 years ago in west Kinia

Two kids were playing in a huge creek.

One of the kids, a girl with red hair, almost trips and falls into a ditch, however.

"I've got you!" The boy with blonde hair held her hand and pulled her up.

"Thanks" the red-haired girl said, smiling.

"Don't mention it, that's what friends are for" the blonde boy smiled and replied.

"Nu uh, not just friends! Best friends!" The red-haired girl countered, pouting.

"Yeah best friend forever", the blonde boy accepts and the two hug... everything turns white all of a sudden.


"Haaaaaah!" Jason woke up covered in sweat. "I'm In my room?" The boy wondered how he had gotten here, since his last memories were of something horrific.

At that moment, the door opens and Beth enters.

"Had quite an adventure yesterday, didn't you?" his mother said to him in a worried tone.

"What... Happened to me?" Jason asked, touching his shoulder that had a bandage on it.

"You had a fall in the woods, but lucky enough, an old face came and saved you" she moved aside as a girl with red hair walked into his room.

"Clara?! In my room?!" Jason's face turned red.

".... I'll just leave the two of you alone for now", Beth, sensing the tension, decided it was best to leave the room for two maturing kids... Weird.

As soon as Beth was outside of listening distance, Clara spoke out "What were you doing there?! Do you know how much danger you put yourself in?!".

"Says the one fighting monsters! Why were you fighting a talking dog!" Jason said, remembering immediately what had transpired.

"That's none of your business... Well, it wasn't your business until you put yourself into it!" Clara yelled again.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jason said, confused.

"I'm a werewolf hunter AKA a Shepherd, and you just got bit by an Alpha werewolf. I believe you can put the rest together" Clara explained, her expression of annoyance not leaving her face.

"A werewolf... That's what bit me?... No way... No way!" Jason was freaking out.

"Seriously, I wish you had never come to this town, the first day, and you've been cursed! You haven't changed a bit since we were kids" Clara said in a sad tone.

"Clara... I know I messed up, but you've gotta help me, I don't want to turn into that!" Jason was still panicking.

"Just stay out of the moonlight, I'll come over in the evening and take you somewhere else,.... but if you turn.... Into a monster.... I will have no choice". Clara specified what would happen if Jason transformed.

'gulp' (would she really kill me?) Jason was shivering at that point.

"Get some rest, it's almost morning, we've got school tomorrow. Don't talk to me, and don't stay out at night", Clara gave orders to the shivering boy.

"You used to be cooler" Jason muttered under his breath.

Clara then said goodbye to Beth and went home.


After apologizing to Beth for entering the woods, Jason went to school as usual, but his mind was in complete dismay.

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