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Spencer smiled at me, attempting to keep his cat out of his shirt.

"What are you guys last names?" Em tilted her head, finally looking up from her conversation with Will.

"Soot." The brown haired male smiled, cleaning the lenses of his glasses on his shirt.

"Oh. Uhm, Salmon." Spencer half looked down as he spoke.

"Oh you're from one of the pureblood families?" I smiled. "My father was friends with Torwin Salmon when they were in school, lost contact after that but he sounds like a good man."

I watched as Spencer's expression faltered slightly, Will reaching over and squeezing his shoulder.

"I don't really remember.." He said softly. "I haven't seen them in.. five years now." He shook his head.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No I know, it's okay. You didn't know." He smiled gently, petting his cat.

I nodded, suddenly feeling awkward.

"Trolley Witch!" Em's voice broke the silence as she jumped up. "Chocolate frog Li?"

"Yes please." I chuckled, handing her the money for it.

"You two want anything?" She turned to the boys.

"Same as you're getting." Will chuckled.

"Me too please." The two boys handed Em their money and she was off.

"If that girl doesn't make the Quidditch team I'm doomed." I chuckled. "That's her main energy outlet."

Will snorted. "If she's been on the team for long enough, chances are she'll keep her spot."

"She's been a keeper since third year." I shook my head. "Well, that's when Oliver Wood started teaching her, she was supposed to take over the position last year, but since Quidditch was canceled for the Tournament.."

"Yeah, that makes sense." Will nodded. "Did she ever play in any of the games when Wood was training her?"

"Yeah, she played in a couple whenever Wood couldn't for whatever reason." I smiled and nodded.

"Makes sense." He chuckled.

"I have candy." Em grinned, tossing chocolate frogs at all of us. She sat back down next to Will, immediately tearing into hers. "Hey, I got Merlin." She chuckled, holding her card up.

I just chuckled and opened my own, eating the chocolate as I pulled out my own card. "Rowena Ravenclaw." I chuckled.

"Fitting." Spencer smiled, leaning back.

The rest of the train ride was mostly quiet, Em eventually dozing off and leaning her head on Will's shoulder.

"Can you wake her up Will? We're about there." I chuckled, standing and stretching slightly.

"I've got it." He chuckled, gently shaking Em awake.

After about five minutes of what seemed like endless grumbling, Em sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Morning sleepyhead." I joked and grabbed my bag from above my head, grabbing Emily's as well.

"Yeah yeah shush." She lifted Bandit onto her shoulder, standing and stretching.

I snorted and stood as well, both boys getting up.

After about ten minutes of working around the other students, finding my sister and the boys' brother Tommy, we walked them to Hagrid and waved before heading off to the carriages.

"Hey blood-traitor!" I saw Spencer flinch as the boy turned. "Going to hand Gryffindor the house cup again?" I noticed a couple Slytherin boys laughing as they turned away, climbing into their carriage.

Almost instinctively I grabbed Spencer's hand and squeezed it gently.

"Hey!" Emily walked over to the boys. "Leave him alone you asses. Maybe, if you spent less time making fun of other students and being fucking bullies and more time taking care of yourselves, you'd have more house points."

"Emily- it's fine." Spencer looked over, looking a bit confused.

Em huffed and walked back over, crossing her arms.

"You okay?" I turned to Spencer.

"Yeah just- no one other than Will has ever done anything like that for me." He said softly. "Most people either just ignore it and walk away, or join them."

Em half threw an arm around his shoulder, standing up on her toes to reach. "Well you've got a couple more people now." She smiled. "Besides, who gives a damn about those assholes anyway? They're looking for a reaction from you. Unless you feel like fighting back, don't give it to them and walk away."

"Take your own advice sometimes Emily." I snorted, still gently holding Spencer's hand as we climbed into the carriage.

"Yeah shush." She chuckled, climbing up as well and sitting next to Will.

Honestly, I think this school year may turn out okay.

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