Jenn and Ryan meet again

Start from the beginning

And Jenn got on the airplane, and in a few minutes they were going to fly to Hong Kong. Ryan arrived at their house, and he saw Jenn's house open, he went in and called Alissa and Lito as well as Jenn but no one answered. Until he saw the two couples as if they had died, because of the strength of their cries. Because they knew it was Jenn’s flight time. And they could no longer prevent their son from leaving,

"Alissa, why are you crying? Where is Jenn?"

"Son, go to the airport because you stopped him from leaving. To Hong Kong. Ryan son, hurry up and you might not catch up."

Ryan didn't know what to do, so he drove fast to the airport, there was still traffic so he got off and borrowed a single motorcycle. And ran fast, until he arrived at the airport. And when he arrived he could no longer catch up with Jenn at the airport because it had been ten minutes since it had flown.

Ryan didn’t know what he was going to do, he wanted to fly. The pain for him was only yesterday, they were happy, so he acted differently because he had a plan to leave. Ryan yelled, and called Jenn's name and punched the floor.

He didn't seem to feel that his hand was injured. And where everything was okay then Jenn left, Ryan went back to Jenn's house and asked Jenn's parents why Jenn left. And because Jenn begged not to tell Ryan everything, the two pretended they didn’t know what Jenn’s plan was.

Until he handed a letter to Ryan, Ryan could do nothing but cry because there was no one to make him happy. When he arrived at their house, he seemed lifeless and he saw Laiza. Laiza hugged him to calm him down because she knew it hurt so much. Ryan didn’t know why Jenn was able to leave without even saying goodbye, he thought Jenn loved him dearly and he even promised that whatever they went through there would be no one to let go and no one to leave.

Together they will face all the trials in their lives, Ryan’s big question is if Jenn played with his feelings. And even Jenn's letter she hasn't read yet.

Chapter: 36

Jenn has arrived in Hong Kong, and is innovating on Climate and food there. So her bedtime is also changing, and no matter what she does she never loses sight of Ryan.

Jenn called her mom and dad, she let them know she was okay and she would start work tomorrow.

And she can't be liked either because she also has a lot of Filipina colleagues, Alissa and Lito are happy because they heard Jenn's bosses, and Jenn also showed their entire residence and those with her.

Jenn didn't want to ask Ryan anymore, Alissa would have mentioned Ryan, but Jenn made a way for their call to die. Because she didn’t want to hear about Ryan anymore, because the more she couldn’t forget if she would always know about him.

And Alissa immediately thought Jenn didn’t want to hear about Ryan, so she turned off her call. Ryan, however, is having a hard time with Jenn's departure, because if it wasn't for his love for Jenn he wouldn't even have knelt down and begged his Uncle.

Because now Ryan realizes that when you don't have money, you don't have any relatives or friends. But when he solved the problem and everything went well, then Jenn disappeared and gave up, it was very hard and painful for Ryan but he didn't know how he started without Jenn.

And he remembered that Alissa had given him a letter from Jenn, and Ryan had forgotten where he was that he was confused and lost his mind because of Jenn's departure. But he remembered that it was in his drawer, he went into his room, he searched and saw what was in Jenn's letter envelope.

Ryan picked it up and opened it immediately, and read the inside of the subre letter. “Dear Ryan, I just want to tell you, I'm leaving without saying goodbye to you properly because I know you won't agree. Because I have to admit everything to you, I can't be with you anymore, because you're suffering! And how can you give me what I want if you don’t have the money.

( My Lover's Dream)I will despise everything for the person I loveWhere stories live. Discover now