~Character's description~

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Taehyung, Jin and Jimin are portrayed as girls. Anyone having a problem with it can drop the story now.
Thank you.

- frostflowerr





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IAS officer, Delhi

27 years old

Second son of Jeon Namjoon and Jeon (Kim) Seokjin

Has two siblings and a cousin brother.

Single, have never been in a relationship

Lives in Delhi, India

Introverted, Kind, loves his family a lot and workaholic





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Last year of college

21 years old

Daughter of Kim Hyun-bin and Kim Taehee.

Has an elder brother.

Single, has never been in a relationship.

Lives in Mumbai, India

Cute, shy, quiet, Kind, Loves her family a lot.







To be continued...

A new story- Our love story...A beautiful journey.

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