Chapter Thirty Six (Drew)

Start from the beginning

"Did you take your medicine?"

"Ohh, ok,"

"Don't worry, ok,I take your medicine."


"How is she?"

"Worried, where is timmy."

"He went to check a building or something."

"I hope is don't stress and get sick ."

"We need you hear,and if you only hear she's sick you on the first plane back to her."

"D I'm not that bad," Listening to them it's puzzling because I know her cousin is married so who is he to her cousin,for him to drop everything to get back to her.

I need to get back to Amera,standing I walk in,Timmy is caressing her face and her mom,has her hand talking to her.

"Honey mom is here, please fight and come back to us."

"It five days since she have been here,the Dr,took her out of the coma yesterday so we're waiting for her to wake up, everyone is at home,but her mom,Rihanna, Timmy and I are here .

I'm am sitting in the chair next to her bed holding her hand when I feel movements, looking to her,her eyes begin to blinks,

" Amera baby." Her eyes continue to blink.

"Baby can you hear me,open you eyes baby."

"Amera." Her eyes open bringing, a smile to my face."

"Baby you wake." She doesn't say anything, I press the buzzer for the Dr,

"She keep staring at me,then she whisper something, going to her ears,she whisper,



"Timmy." Her machine starts making a noise when the doctors arrived, and starts checking her,they give her some water to drink then she breaks my heart by requesting.

"I need Timmy,"she get hysterical

" Timmy,"

"Ok everyone step outside please."

"I'm not leaving."

Dr,Michael steps to me

"Give her some time to calm down,let as step outside her room and let Timmy in.

Exiting the room Timmy is there ready to enter,feeling shattered I stand as he goes to her and she lengthen her hand for him, she ask for another man,she wanted someone else to console her.

Her mom Comes to me.

" Don't be sad,angry or broken the only reason she ask for Timmy because he is her save place,and her protector, right now she needs him,doesn't means she doesn't need you,she does but she need him at the moment, the rest on her life it will be you she needs.

It's has been hours looking through the glass viewing her in the room,with doctors in and out talking to her,checking on her,but not once has she asked for me,and it's hurt all I want is to take her in my arms hold on to her,make sure she is fine.

Timmy is still with her he hasn't left her side,I'm glad she has someone with her,but I'm jealous that someone is not me,what pains me more is she is taking comfort in him.She finally fall asleep and he come out of her room.

"How is she ?"

"She is not to good,scared and in pain, her body hurts,we haven't told her about the baby yet,wants to wait until tomorrow see how she is recovering mentally."

"Did she ask for me?" Turing he walk and sit on the chair bending  his head he passes his hand over it then he eyes me.

"Just tell me?"

"No she didn't, I told her you was the one whom save her,and  haven't left her side ever since but?"

"But What?"

"Drew she's is in pain confused about many things and she need a little time to get her bearing back."

"She doesn't want to see me?"


" She doesn't want to see me." Walking to the chair I slide down,putting my face in my hand breaking into a million pieces, I'm dying for her and she doesn't want to see me.

"Loving someone and not being with them doesn't mean you love them any less it mean you love them more,because you have to love them enough for both of you."Richard word resonate in me.

I'm not giving up on her or us,I will love her for both of us,if she doesn't want to see and talk to me,I will visit her when she is asleep I will hold her when she's asleep, until she wants me forever.

Raising from my seat,I enter her room,going to her I place a kiss on her forehead and face  laying on her bed bringing her in my arms caressing her,loving her the only way I can until I can show her how much I do love her.

It's has been a week since,Amera woke up,today she is going room,and I'm the one taking her,she doesn't know I'm taking her,but Timmy and I came up with the idea,so I will be the driver taking her home,she hasn't talk to me as yet,but today I will talk to her weather she like it or not.

Everytime she fall asleep I will take her in my arms but as she starts to stir I will leave her room,I didn't want to upset her,the day after she awoke they tell told her about the baby,I watch as she shattered sobbing for hour,while another man console my woman.

I don't know how Rihanna, deal with their friendship but I find myself jealous of it, the way he hold her,or the way she depends on him,the thoughts did run in my mind,'Are they inlove with each other' but I try not to dwell on it.

"Then there's Richard I don't know what's his deal is but he has been with her went Timmy is not there,the way he hold her,and make her laugh her whole face light up,I never saw her smile so beautifully with anyone ever .'Yes I'm a jealous son of bitch.

But all that is going to end because she belongs to me,and no one will love her the way I do,and it's time she realized it.

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