7 | blood manipulation

Start from the beginning

When he looks back at her, Yuki's giving him a gentle smile. It only lasts for a moment, before she scoffs, amused. "Heh. I imagined it had to be something like that. But it's fine, I like that in a man." And immediately afterwards, she shoots him a wink.

Blood rushes to his cheeks, and now, more conscious about the topic of their conversation, Chōsō avoids it. He likes what he's come to learn are her flirtations, the kisses and gentle holds Yuki's decided to gift upon him during the time they've been in the chambers of Tengen.

"I see," his voice betrays the fluster he's managed to hide, and at his companion's knowing smirk, smug to the point of being irritating, Chōsō decides to go back to the topic. "Then, do you use your bon-ba-ie outside of combat?"

She hums. "I've showed off before. Want me to demonstrate?" Now, if she could tone down the mix of smugness and flirty behaviour, Chōsō would be able to remain calm without the influence of his technique. Whether it's her resting her head in his lap without warning, or hugging him while she's half-asleep, or kissing him in the corner of his lips only to push him down with intentions of devouring him whole (or so it seems), she's got him turning into a mess.

It's as frustrating as it's exciting.

Without waiting for an answer, Yuki closes the distance between them and holds him up. With one arm. Just, leans down, grabs his thighs, and up he goes.

It's startling, but he lets her. It's not a surprise, Chōsō already knows she's strong, and how her technique works. But something inside him shivers. It's―he wants her to keep holding him, for some reason. Put him against the wall like she does in their spars and keep him there as she kisses him, one of those kisses that last, the ones she calls proper kissing.

That's―something, alright.

"Works wonders for impressing pretty women," Yuki comments, as if talking about the weather.

Chōsō doesn't know anything about picking up, as Yuki's called it before, neither women nor men. But if it incites in any of them a fraction of what he's feeling, then it's not strange the blonde can brag about her experience with it.

"I suppose it would," it's all he says. Yuki's the one with the knowledge about double entendres and how to get under one's skin, not him. "I can imagine how Blood Manipulation could be used in similar ways."

She lets him down, curiosity overtaking her. "Oh?"

One of the fastest ways to attract Tsukumo Yuki's attention is to appeal to her intrigue. Chōsō's noticed it in the days they've spent together. It's―cute, dare he think. Not like when some of his brothers get into their mischief, but nonetheless, to him, equally charming.

"If it is to show harmless intent and mastery over one's technique," Chōsō starts, biting his thumb and letting the blood flow down, controlling it in order for it not to spill. "Would this suffice?"

Hundreds of small flowers bloom from his blood, exploding all around them. He doesn't know the name of the plant, had only seen them around in the hide-out with Kenjaku, apparently there for masking purposes, but it seems adequate. The buds are small, the petals, too, but in their arrangement, they make a beautiful bouquet.

"The Mexican blood flower?" Yuki asks, surprised. "Fitting."

"Is that its name?"

She smiles at him and shrugs. "One of them, at least."

Yuki stares at the flowers for some time, touches a couple of them. Chōsō feels it when she does, in that distant way he's aware of everything the blood under his control touches. Following his impulses, he forms more flowers around her, extending the real-life painting.

Blood suits her.

(His blood, specifically.)

"It's very beautiful, Chōsō," she comments, before looking around one more time and snickering. "Look at you, learning how to have some game. Many would fall for it."

At this point, Chōsō doesn't know if she's making fun of him or not, but he doesn't care. Whether it's a joke he doesn't get or a statement she speaks like truth, he will take Yuki's words and continue on.

"I am not interested." He responds, making quick work of returning his blood into his veins and sealing the wound.

Yuki raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Does that mean it's just for me, then?"

Suggestive. That's the one word Chōsō would describe her attitude towards him. Suggestive of sexual want, he could guess. Flirtatious.

And he doesn't understand it quite yet, how she works the game, but he enjoys it the best he can. In their quiet moments, in the middle of their spars, in conversations that have nothing to do with their current situation.

Chōsō likes it. He likes her.

"If that is how you want to take it," he allows, because it's true, either way.

She grins. She's amused, having fun, and it's a marvel. "Lucky me." Without warning, descends her lips upon his, but getting over the initial surprise, he follows her rhythm, enjoying the moment.

Should they both make it out alive, he thinks, he would like to have her around. Have her meet his brothers, and understand all of what she makes him feel.

Even if she doesn't stay, that's fine, too.

Whatever becomes of them, at least they'll have had this.

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