Chapter 1.

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[Nobody's P.O.V]

They had just managed to free themselves from the underground all of the AUs! They had quickly adapted to society. Well all except for, Blue for some weird reason..Blue shrunk when he had gotten out off the underground and he was took to a pet store for safe keeping but he was being sold for a pretty high price of £100,000 since he was quite rare. Nobody really cared what, Blue thought but atleast, Blue got a pretty good enclosure it was a pretty spacious cage and on the inside it looked like a regular house. (I will make a chapter and show you what everything looks like).

[Blue's P.O.V]

Blue was in his nicely enclosed cage well he didn't really know if it was a cage since on the inside all he could see were walls and furniture and the inside of his cage. If people looked at, Blue they would see him but, Blue would be unable to see them. Blue hated it in this darn, stupid pet was so noisy! He knew he was in a cage he just had to be!
Blue soon heard the pet shop bell ring signalling that somebody had entered, Blue just layed down on the couch in his 'home'. Blue was about to settle down before his whole little house/cage was picked up and he was took out and put into a real cage. The only thing they had told, Blue was that he was bought and, Blue saw Error..he was sure they were still enemies.

[Timeskip to 3 hours later]

Blue was, worried he knew they were in a car and he had even slightly began to, cry alittle 'N-No..I-I can't die..E-Error wouldn't kill me right..?' Blue, thought. Blue was lost in thought when the car all of a sudden halted and he kinda fell and when Blue's cage was lifted up, Error stared at, Blue. Blue tried to make himself seem smaller by hiding in the corner but it didn't seem to work. Error, frowned "WhY aRe YoU cRyInG. I dIdN't Do AnYtHiNg WrOnG..dId I? ArE yOu HuNgRy..?" Error, asked but he didn't get an answer. Error honestly looked quite, furious with, Blue and soon they had gotten inside the house like palace.

Blue was still, crying and ended up yelping alittle when he was brought out of the cage he tried to grip onto the sides or the little bars to hold onto but there was nothing. When, Blue was brought out he was looking directly into Error's eyelights and then all of a sudden, Error tried to force feed, Blue chocolate. Blue had nearly chocked but he ate and he had calmed down alittle and, Error went up to his own bedroom with, Blue on his cold, dry hands. Blue was then undressed by, Error since Error didn't seem to like the clothes the pet shop had put, Blue in and while this was happening, Blue had been blushing from, Embarrassment. Error had replaced, Blue's clothes with comfortable ones that seemed like Pyjamas. Error looked directly at, Blue "YoU aRe StIlL mY eNeMy. YoU sUrViVe By YoUrSeLf I bOuGhT yOu oUt Of PiTy. I aM nOt ReSpOnSiBlE fOr WhAtEvEr HaPpEnS, aLriGhT?" Error hissed and, Blue began crying once again since he was to try and clean himself and he needed to find food for himself and get water from the tap by himself..and basically do everything by himself..'Ugh..I..want..Papy..' Blue thought, sadly with a frown and tears running down his face.

[End of Chapter 1]

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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