Confessions of a Bad Boy

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Confessions of a Bad Boy

Chapter One: The Bad Boy Is Back

Avery's POV

The school was alive, or rather awake by the time lunch came around. I made my way towards the table I usually sat with my bundle of friends. I said my hellos to Macy, Jen, and Jack before putting my ear phones on and cancelling some of the loud noise around me. James, the last member of my little posse and my best friend since second grade, sat down in front of me with a plate of steaming nachos.

“Did you hear?” He asked all of us but mostly kept his green eyes on me.

“It depends, is about Shanna and Mike going behind the bleachers to-”

“No, it’s about Brandon Lionetti. He is here, he has come back.” James interrupted Jen clearing his throat afterwards when the table became silent. I used this distraction to steal a chip from his plate, of course I was never good at being sneaky so I was caught but he just smiled at my poor attempt. Macy tried to also sneak one pass him but he grabbed her wrist in midair which made her groan. I giggled when she did the same thing to Jack. His brown eyes were looking off into nowhere, thinking, so he didn’t see it. He almost looked startled by the news.

“What about him?” I finally asked, getting a tad curious because of how they were acting. I’ve saw him around, seen what he was capable of but I never saw what the huge deal was with him.

“Well he did-”

“Nothing.” Jack interrupted James, giving him a look to shut the hell up. It was unusual so James stayed silent while we all looked at them. Something was wrong.

“Anyways, back to Shanna and Mike.” Jen said moving on, yet occasionally looking at Jack out of the corner of her eye. I watched Jack too, but he just gave us a reassuring smile covering up any emotions that were running through his face earlier.

James shared his plate of now semi hot nachos with me and I smiled gratefully at him. I need to remember to bring lunch money tomorrow. When lunch was over we all scrambled to class, James coming with me since our classes were close by.

“So what happened back there?” I tried to ask casually. He easily saw my yearning curiosity but wasn’t kind enough to feed it.

“It was nothing. Now, you promised me yesterday that we would watch a movie at your house today.” He was changing the subject and I wasn’t going to pressure him. He will tell me when he wants too. Or when my curiosity gets the best of me.

“I’m babysitting today. You can still come, that’s if you don’t mind watching Disney movies with my little sister.” He grimaced.

“I’ll pass. Your sister plus Disney movies means role playing afterward to get her to sleep. Last time I did that I ended up being her prince and having to dress up as Edward from Twilight…” I laughed as I remember it before waving goodbye at him since I wouldn’t see him until tomorrow. My sister sure is an odd ball. Who likes Edward?

Walking into my class I found a circle of unoccupied desks around one person. Brandon Lionetti. 

-Vote-Comment-Fan? It's my first story on here, tell me if it's any good!

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