||Chapter 8||

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The palace is in an uproar. The usurpers have planned well.

They attacked the northern lands drawing Toya away before staging the main assault on the castle, the day of her wedding.

Momo stands in her room, dressed in rich silks. Her hands shake. She clasps them together over her chest as she listens to the shouts and the clang of steel that echo throughout the palace.

Toga Himiko stands by her side. Her eyes shine, but Momo has a feeling it's not from the same emotion as the one making her own heart rate spike.

The screams draw nearer. Momo's lips tremble and her eyes dart to her dresser and the jewelry case sitting on top. Her creation stone is locked securely in its compartment but she wishes she were holding it.

"Looks like the usurper is here," Toga says thoughtfully. Momo looks back at her and the maid's eyes flash and suddenly Momo is on the floor. Her head rings from the impact against the stones. There is something wet in her hair.

Toga straddles her. A knife flashes down towards Momo's throat and instinctively she reaches up and closes her hand around Toga's, trying to push the steel away from her jugular.

For being of smaller stature, Toga is strong and gravity is on her side. Her maid laughs. "Stop struggling, my princess. Your king doesn't want his precious cousin to be defiled on her wedding day by these cruel, cruel men. This is the sweeter way out." Her smile is deranged.

The blade lowers.

Momo strains. Years of inactivity weigh against her. Her arms begin to give.

The knife inches lower. A drop of liquid rolls down her throat.


Suddenly the door of her room slams open and Toga is gone; a woman with short brown hair is standing over her, breathing hard.

The maid from the throne room, Momo realizes.

The woman's expression is ferocious as she holds up her short sword covered in blood. When it is clear that Toga won't be moving, the maid kneels quickly by Momo's side and helps her sit up. There is a sharp pain at the base of her skull, and when Momo touches it, blood covers her fingertips.

"Are you alright?" the maid asks. Her eyes shine with unfiltered worry.

Momo doesn't know. Her heart is racing in her chest. She stares past the maid at Toga's slumped form against the wall. The maid notices, and her expression hardens. Her fingers tighten around Momo as her chocolate eyes meet hers.

"I won't let her harm you. I won't let anyone harm you. This time I'll be the one to protect you. I made a promise to him."

Momo doesn't dwell on what the woman means. Hope is a dangerous thing, and dreams haven't ever been for princesses.


The battle ends. Her cousin flees, and All Might's illegitimate son, Midoriya Izuku, takes the castle.

Celebratory singing fills every corner of the palace.

The once quiet dining room is alight with laughter and feasting. Midoriya sits in her cousin's seat. Flanking his left side is a blonde man with beady red eyes and Sir Iida. On his right is the maid, Uraraka Ochako - who it turns out, isn't really a maid but a lady from a small southern province that has sided with Midoriya.

Momo sits next to Lady Uraraka, who chats happily about the future.

Momo tries to listen but can't. She can barely eat. Her stomach keeps twisting as she unconsciously glances around the room.

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