Band kids

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Kuroo used to be a band kid, he played the trumped and drums, and he still has the trumpet somewhere.

When the team won't wake up, he'll grab that thing out of no where and just start blaring industry baby to wake them up.

If I doesn't work he'll do it in their ears, TO EACH PERSON.

Everyone tries to wake up on time so it doesn't happen, but it still always happens to Lev EVERY TIME.

Kuroo makes an exception for Kenma though.

One time Kuroo was sleeping in on the weekend, and Yaku decided he'd get payback for the whole team.

Yaku had spent weeks learning how to play the trumpet, and had stolen Kuroo's just for this reason. He had opened Kuroo's window and just started screeching random notes which scared the absolute shit out of Kuroo.

So now Kuroo waits till Yaku is awake, then he wakes everyone else up.

He brought the trumpet to Bokuto's place without him knowing, but Akaashi was all in for the idea and Kenma just didn't give two shits.

He waited till everyone but Bokuto was up, and he scared the absolute crap out of him and hid the trumpet, and Bokuto was so fucking confused cause everyone pretended like there was no trumpet playing that woke him up.

He was confused for weeks till Kuroo told him what happened and he looked SO betrayed.

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