Chapter eight: School is a Battlefield

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( female Ranma p.o.v. )

It was evening we are all in the living room and I was curtly in my girl form Anna and I are siting on the porch just looking out in the back yard. Huh? I asked. Your sure there's no other reason? Akane asked. You mean beside blaming Ranma for him being slow or having no sense of direction. Anna said making me smile and Akane glare at her. Anyway if it's not abut the bread feud then I don't know what it could be. I said Kasumi is walking over towards us. Ranma here's a letter for you. It's from someone named Hibiki. Kasumi said once she reached us From Ryoga? I asked she then hands me the letter I open it I then read it turns out to be a letter of a challenge. It's like Anna said before this no ordinary grudge you must have done something awful to him. Akane said. You got me. I said while still looking at the letter Kasumi then come over with a kettle full of hot water then dumps on me so that I can change back into a guy while Anna was reading the letter.

( Ranma p.o.v. )

Ah Ranma it says here the challenge was yesterday! Anna said while I was using a paper fan to help cool me down. Ah don't worry about it the guy is totally clueless when it comes to maps and stuff like that who know where he is by now. I said as I continue to fan myself.

( Anna p.o.v. )

The next day at school in study hall Akane and I was surrounded by our friends while Ranma was with his friends by the window. I can't believe it Akane has grown so long. one of our friends said. I know and it looks so heathy too. another friend said. 'It's finally longer then Kasumi's.' Akane thought. Hey isn't that the guy from before. one of our friends said cause Akane and I to share a look before we went to the window only to see that it was in deed Ryoga. Oh no. Akane said. Ranma! I yelled over to him causing him to turn towards me. What? he asked. It's Ryoga he's here. I said so we all went to the window only to see that he's standing in the middle of the soccer field and had just got hit in the head with the ball. What is with this guy? Ranma asked

 What is with this guy? Ranma asked

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( Ranma p.o.v. )

Everyone is now outside watching us as we both stand in the field facing each other waiting to see who makes the first move. Step right up Ladies and gentlemen come on place your bets Ryoga or Ranma place your bets win a bundle! Nabiki yelled into the microphone she some how manage to get hold of as well selling tickets to people so they can bet on who's going to win. Gatcha covered okey wait your turn get in line! she yelled as she starts selling the tickets. Who's next! Nabiki said. Welcome Ranma. What coning you showed in escaping last time, Ryoga said. Who are you talking about your the one who wonder off and got lost Ryoga! I yelled. Shut up what would you know it anyway? he asked it was a month ago. then he went on telling me about how he had gotten lost all cause he think that I had escaped last time we had saw each other. But now we're going to settle this for good. Ryoga said I hand my hand on my forehead trying to wrap my head around he's tale that he just told me. I don't know what to say to ya Ryoga. I said Your damn right! you've got no right to say anything to me. Not after you've done. he said like an idiot that he is thinking that's what I meant. That's not what I meant you idiot. I yelled. I've heard enough of your talking already. he said as he swing his umbrella at me. Fight! Ryoga yelled and so the fight had started. Can you at lest tell me. Why we're fighting? I asked while in the air. Shut up! he yelled as he swings the umbrella at me. 'So in other wards he doesn't remember why he just wants a fight.' I thought as the fight continues. Have it your way. I said as we both land on the ground.

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