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I was lost in my thoughts on the walk back to the dorm and honestly I was in a pretty bad mood. I decided to stop by the store on the way home, Ikki nor Stella really seemed like the cooking types and I wasn't in the mood for delivery. So I just grabbed some simple ingredients for fish, rice and a salad. Some drinks too just in case. I ate it often as a kid and it stuck.

By time I got to the dorm I took a deep breath only to see Stella and Ikki on the couch in the living room. Our dorm is bigger than others with a side room where another room is probably more I didn't notice that much from earlier and where I was standing.

As I walked over to them I heard one of their stomachs rumble so I guessed they were waiting for me. Well Ikki probably made her wait.

"Yo, have you guys seriously been waiting for me or something?" I put a cold bottle of ice tea on Stella's cheek making her jump while I handed Ikki the other one.

"Hey Yoshida, yeah Stella kept trying to just eat but I figured it'd be best to wait. You might not have eaten." He opened the bottle and took a sip saying a quick thanks.

"Jeez just who do you think you are making me wait?" Stella puffed out her cheeks turning the other way.

"Sorry, sorry I just needed a breather. I'll cook to make it up for you how's that. Fish, rice and a salad good for you two?" I put the bags down on the counter in the kitchen and began to take some things out.

"Let me help! I can cook myself!" Stella seemed really excited for some reason. Maybe she likes cooking.

"Then can you do the salad for me? Don't put alot of tomatoes though, I'm not good with them."

"What? Don't be picky you're already this old."

"Now now I'm sure you have foods you don't like. I guess while you guys cook I'll take my bath, I'm kind of sweaty. Call me if you need anything." Ikki took his sleepwear and towel walking into the bathroom leaving Stella and I alone.

"So what did you talk to the principal about? Ikki told me you stayed behind that's why you were late." Stella put the rice into the rice cooker that had been here, maybe Ikki used it for food.

"Nothing really, she just checked up on my injuries but I said I was fine, it did burn a bit though."

"If you were really fine then this wouldn't hurt!" She lightly punched me in the arm making me wince in pain.

"See, and before you say I just hit you hard it was light."

"Maybe you're just heavy handed Stella... Ow remind me to never get on your bad side."

She still seemed kind of worried but could pick up on the fact I wouldn't admit it anyway and left it at that.

After that we talked about casual things like hobbies and such, Stella shocked me a bit I expected princesses to be more uptight but she was more down to earth than I thought. Although she snaps easily.

"So Yoshida, what all can you do with a sword? Also I'm sure it was hard into fight with an eyepatch on."

"Not much just basics, I do have a few techniques based off of metals though. Also for the eyepatch that's a secret sorry but I don't wanna talk about it."

She both nodded and we're going to leave the fry eyepatch alone thankfully.

"Wow... that's unexpected you don't seem the type to try hard at things. But impressive you've definitely worked harder than me to get here."

"Shut up you perverted woman. Look I may be a bit of an ass but that doesn't mean I'll let you put yourself down. Respect your efforts as Ikki and I do. Even then I like your sword style so don't diss the stuff I like idiot." I flicked her forehead and put the finishing touches on the fish, while the rice was finished and Stella's monster salad was done.

Soon after Ikki came out of the shower and we ate together. Stella made me eat the tomatoes unfortunately they weren't even for me... but atleast it was fun. We joked around and I think we'll get along great at our time here. I went to sleep with those thoughts.

White Flame [Rakudai: Stella x Male Character] *REVISED AND EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now