Part 1- We meet Again

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Piper hasn't seen Gavin since the break-up but Gavin has been trying to reach out and send her stuff. Piper never got the packages because Lev hid them and threw some away. Some he would even give to her and say he bought it. He even blocked Gavin on Piper's phone, which is why he can never reach her. Piper hadn't thought about reaching out but she did miss him sometimes.



Part 1

Present day: Piper posted a new gold necklace on her Instagram story. It was the necklace Gavin sent to her for her birthday. Gavin was watching Piper's story

G: Why do I recognize that necklace?

Jakob walked by and saw the necklace on the story.

J: Wait.... Gavin?

G: yeah?

J: Isn't that the necklace you bought Piper for her birthday?

G: I- I think it is

J: Yo that's great she got it

G: yeah, I wonder if she got all the other things I sent her

J: maybe you should try reaching out to her

G: for what, it's not like she's gonna answer

J: you should still try

G: maybe when I get back

J: Get back from where?

G: I'm gonna go to the store to get a Gatorade, you want anything?

J: uhh get me a bag of barbeque chips

G: okay be back later

J: Alright see you later


G: Oh sorry miss I didn't mean to bump into y-

???: * looks up in shock *

G: P-Piper?


P: Gavin- I-Is that you?

G: yeah it's me * still in shock *

P: Omg! It's so nice to finally see you again * hugs him *

Gavin's POV

when she hugged me I felt so special and happy. She was so warm

and she looked absolutely stunning in her perfect red dress, as we're

still hugging I'm daydreaming. God, I never want this hug to end.. but

then she pulls away.

P: I missed you so much

G: y-you did?

P: Of course I did!

G: I missed you too

Gavin's Pov

While I was admiring how good Piper looks

I notice she was wearing the necklace I sent her,

It's a custom necklace, I paid 900 dollars for that,

It says Pipes because that's what I used to call her

G: I see you got the necklace I sent you for your birthday

P: * touching the necklace * what are you talking about?

Lev got this for me

Gavin's POV

Now I'm confused, I got Piper that necklace.

I used to called her Pipes all the time when

we were dating and that's why I wanted it

to say Pipes.

P: Gav are you okay, Maybe you did get a necklace

Maybe it just didn't come in yet

G: yeah I guess

Gavin's POV

That's weird. That's the necklace

I got her, I know it is. But I'm just going shake

it off, I don't want her to get in a argument with

her boyfriend or whatever. I'm definitely obsessing

over the fact that she called me Gavin though. I love

that nickname

P: it was nice talking to you but I gotta go, I'm filming with the squad today

G: oh, before you go I wanted to ask something

P: okay go ahead

G: did you change your number or something

P: No why

G: I've been trying to call and text you but I never get an answer,

when I call t goes straight to voicemail

P: That's weird considering my number has been the

same since the day we met, and I don't have you


G: oh

P: when I get home I'll see what the problem is. I would never

purposely ignore your phone calls or text messages, I'd love to

talk to you * she smiled *

Gavin's POV

I swear I blushed so hard when she said that to me, I love her smile.

I know I'm gonna catch feelings but I'm trying my hardest not to.

I know she loves Lev, and I'd never want to ruin that for her


J: bruh where you been? It takes that long to get some

chips and a juice?

G: I saw Piper at the store!

J: really?

G: yeah, we had a conversation and everything. She said Lev got

her the necklace which is strange considering the fact Its literally

the exact necklace I got her, but nevermind that. She said she doesn't

know why I can't reach her, she said she doesn't have me blocked. But

I hope I'll be able to call her soon

J: that's great for you, the first part isn't so great but I'm

glad you got to talk to her

G: yeah me too

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