Part 6

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The boys walk up to my aunt, nervously. "Hey there, I'm Pinkie Rose's aunt." she smiled, shaking Cup's hand. Mugs looks at me raising an eyebrow, while Cup veils laughter. "W-wait! Pfft...Pinkie Rose?" Cup snickered. I blush, and look away from the boys. "T-That's her nick name, for me." I stammered, still avoiding their eyes. Aunt Rere looks at me, then back at them. She begins to smile, at them. Mom begins to laugh."It's nice to meet, y'all." Aunt Rere smiled, warmly. "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Rere." Mugs added. She laughs, and says, "No need to call me Mrs. Rere. You can call me Aunt Rere." she smiled, hugging them. When they escape(esca pay)the hug, they smile.

We walk into the house, and sit down on the couch. "Well, y'all are just in time for lunch." she smiled, walking to the kitchen.
"Really? What's for lunch?" I asked. " does pickle loaf sandwiches sound?" she asked. "Jenn, ya staying for lunch?" she asked. "No, I have to go back to the house." she said. Mom walked to me, and kissed my cheek. "I love you, Madison. Behave, and have fun okay?" Mom said, walking to the door. "Ok, bye Mom, I love you too."

When she left the driveway, I felt sad. I felt like I was on the verge of tears. I felt fingers intertwine with mine. "You okay, Madi?" Mugs asked. "I'm okay, Muggy." I replied. "Are you sure?"he asked. I nod in response.

Mugs' POV:

I can tell she's upset, but what about, I don't know. What ever it is, I want to make her feel better.  'Am I...falling in love with her?! No, I can't be! I love Cala...right? I don't think Madi likes me back...but...then again, her mom said Madi has a crush on us. I'll have to ask her, tonight.

After we made our sandwiches, we sat in the kitchen to eat. After we ate lunch, Madi spoke up. "Hey, who's up for a game of go fish?" she asked, smiling. 'Sigh...I love her smile. Wait What?!' "I could go for a few rounds o' kick'n your ass." Cup bragged. I roll my eyes, at my brother's bragging. "I'm pretty sure, i'll be kick'n your ass." Madi retorted, playfully. "Is that a bet I hear, Pinkie Rose?" he replied, smirking. 'Is he...flirting with her? Why do I feel jealous...and mad?'

"You bet it is, hot-head." she added, with a smirk. "Lemme go get a deck of cards." she said, getting up from her chair. "No need, I've got one. We can use it." I said, rather quickly. 'This's my chance to show her my shuffling skills.' I got out my cards, and began to shuffle 'em. I deal 'em out, 7 each. "Cup, you go first." I said, look'n at my cards. "Okay, Mugs...ya got any two's ?" he asked me. "Nope, go fish." I smiled. "Damn it." he said, drawing a card from the deck. "Mugs...ya got any four's?" Rose asked me. "Yep, two of 'em." I smiled, giv'n 'em to her. "Yes! Cup...ya got any six's?" she asked. "Nope, sorry...go fish." he smirked. She drew a card from the deck. "Hmm...Madi, ya got any kings?" I asked. "Yep, I have-" she paused, looking at her cards. She was blushing a dark red. She handed me the cards, to reveal two kings. 'Was she...was she thinking about us...being her kings? Well I see my queen.'

Time skip to 9:00 pm~

After we ate supper, we decided that we'll watch a movie. "What kind of movie should we watch?" I asked. "What about this one? It's called Jaws." Madi replied, holding up the movie. "What's it about?" Cuphead asked, curiously. "It's about a guy, who's a sheriff. His home, which is an island, has a shark problem. It's a really good movie." she added, holding the case. My brother looks at it, and then smirks. "Okay Pinkie Rose...we'll watch it, on one condition." "Okay...and that is?" "If you ever get scared, you lose. And if you lose, you have to sleep in nothing but your underwear. Deal~" "D-Deal."

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