- 3 ~ In love with my sis-in-law

Start from the beginning

"This looks like it. It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, taking the first box up to the door. She opened it with the key before heading inside. She first unloaded all the boxes into the living room before she sat down on the floor emptying them one by one. 

"Oh hey, babe! I am at the house right now, I'm on the last box so-" "Mari, you didn't have to unpack the housekeepers could have done that when they got there tomorrow." He fired back.

"And what was I supposed to do stare at it, honey you know I wasn't going to leave it there, and it only took me an hour. Speaking of, where are you, you were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago!?" She returned, putting her phone on the island and putting some flowers in a vase. 

"I know I'm on my way, as soon as I get my dad to just move on from my suit. He wants everything perfect." Felix shot back rolling his eyes. "You can't rush the man, patience is everything, love, well I'm not gonna keep you, call when you are leaving okay, I love you." She smiled. "Yeah okay, see you soon cupcake." He said before hanging up.

Marinette smiled as she stared out the window. "This is gonna be great" she whispered to herself before going up the stairs. Where she fell asleep on the bed. 

hours later...

"Babe?" She questioned stirring up from sleep. "Hey sleepyhead, you had a good nap?" He asked, hugging her from behind. "Uh-huh," she mumbled back. "Well it's gonna be dark soon so i brought your favorite with me, it's on the counter. I gotta head back to the office so-"

"Aww, will you come back to cuddle me tonight, I don't wanna stay here alone." She pouted cutely. "Yes cupcake I will, promise, now you can go back to sleep okay." She nodded and he pecked her cheeks before leaving. 

Later that day...

Adrien's P.O.V

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. She swam to the end of the pool so gracefully and came up. She came out of the water and took a bite of a macaron. She then stood on the balcony staring out at the sunset before laying on her stomach on one of the beach chairs with air pods in her ear, she was beautiful, and graceful, just, gorgeous...

Sometime later...

I was still trying to figure out how we ended up together. In this house. Half an hour away from civilization. She then went up to a bedroom and went into the bathroom. Sometime later she came out...

"Ahhh!" She screamed and I jolted back from her sudden scream. "Holy shit woman-" she grabbed the hair curler from an opened suitcase and held it up.

"Put that down!" Adrien yelled and she immediately started tearing up. "P-Please don't hurt me I will do anything-" "woah, you're the one holding a weapon!" Adrien yelled back. "You are in my house!" She yelled back.

"Your house!?" He yelled...

A few minutes later we were sitting opposite each other. 

"Marinette!" Someone yelled from downstairs. She immediately got up and ran down the stairs. 

"There is a man upstairs saying this is his house! It's midnight! What the heck is going on!" She yelled. "Calm down cupcake." He said before they entered the room.

"Adrien?! What are you doing here?!" Felix yelled. "Of course, the chick belongs to you. She was going to hit me with a hair curler!" Adrien yelled. 

"Oh I'm sorry, who is this again?!" Marinette asked. "Marinette. This is Adrien. My brother." Felix spoke up. "BROTHER! YOU HAVE A BROTHER!?" She yelled. 

𝓜𝓘𝓡𝓐𝓒𝓤𝓛𝓞𝓤𝓢 𝓢𝓗𝓞𝓡𝓣 𝓢𝓣𝓞𝓡𝓘𝓔𝓢Where stories live. Discover now