You're safe with a Merrill.

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Angel awoke to loud thuds coming from downstairs. She heard raised voices that were unfamiliar as she scrambled to her feet. Glancing out the window she saw three cars parked outside that sent shivers down her spine.

They found them.

Hearing another thud from downstairs she quickly turned back to the window. Pushing it open she saw the porch roof just below her window.

More thuds and raised voices came as she quickly scrambled out the window. Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs as she stumbled out the window. Uncaring she was in an old shirt and shorts.

Her bare feet scraped along the harsh roof as she scrambled to the side, pressing herself against the wall next to the window.

Angel slammed a hand over her mouth as she tried to hold her breath. Her feet scratching against the tiles as she tried to keep herself steady on the sloped roof.

Her eyes stuck on Ace's house. Please be awake. Please be awake and look out the fucking window. Look out of any fucking window.

Angel heard ruffles by her window as she tried to press herself against the wall once more, refusing to look down.

However when she felt a hand grab at her ankle she let out the loudest scream she could. Raising her leg to kick out her other foot slipped as she yanked herself free.

Her fingers tried to hold onto the slanted tiles but it didn't work. She rolled straight off the porch roof and braved herself to hit the floor.

But she didn't. Opening her eyes she saw she had landed in Knuckles's arms. His face cut up as he pushed himself to attempt to move forward.

Her scream had clearly been heard as the front door of Ace's house opened. Angel scrambled from Knuckles's arms as she saw Ace and the others rushing over.

Angel's arms flung around Ace as she turned and saw Knuckles knock down one of the guys, who had chased him out.

"Ace please!" Angel begged him.

He looked down and saw the fear in her eyes as he nodded at the other cobras. They accepted his silent order as they moved in to unwillingly help the constrictors.

Police sirens were heard as Ace quickly pulled a hysterical Angel into his house. Locking the door behind him, he pulled her up the stairs and into his room as she raced over to the window.

He followed and the pair watched as police surrounded the house.

Moments later Angel's brother and the others were led out in cuffs. The cobras were cuffed and led away alongside them.

Chains caught Angel's eyes as she looked down at him in tears from Ace's window. He gave her the small nod to let her know it was okay as he was gently helped into the back of one of the cars.

Ace went to place a hand on her but she nudged him off as various officers started bringing out multiple body bags.

His mouth dropped slightly. "Angel..."

"Family protect family Ace..." she replied as she sniffed gently, turning to him slowly.

"When my brother and the others say they're willing to kill for me... they're not joking." She mumbled as she turned and looked back down.

"I have to help them." She muttered as she moved away from the window and went to head out the door.

Ace's hand grabbed her wrist as he tugged her back.

"You can't go looking like that for starters and you're gonna have to wait till they're actually at the station when we can find out what's actually happening."

Angel looked down at her pyjamas before back up at him.

"We'll wait till they go then go over and see." He spoke firmly, in an attempt to keep her calm.

She reluctantly nodded as she moved closer to him, her arms wrapped around his waist as she pressed her head against his chest. Ace's arms wrapped around her as he gently rested his head on hers.

"They found us." Angel mumbled under her breath against his shirt as he nodded against her.

"Don't know who they are but apparently so."

Angel sighed as she almost attempted to squeeze Ace closer to her.

"They were the rival gang in our old town..." she started. "Our numbers were evenly matched but we both kept apart, their gang and ours, never worked together, never interacted..." Angel mumbled as she found herself slowly beginning to tell him.

Feeling his hands on her back gently rubbing encouraged her.

"Then one day I bumped into their leader..." Her voice trailed off as she remembered the day. "Turns out he took quite a liking to me, which as you can guess didn't exactly go down well with my dad and brother."

Ace nodded slowly. "Now it makes sense." He muttered.

Angel pulled away slowly as she looked up at him.

"As in why he's been so funny with me."

Angel nodded slowly. "Anyway this guy offered my dad a deal, would leave town giving us full, what you'd call ownership rights for all illegal activity, in exchange for me."

Ace clenched tightly as Angel winced slightly from his grip. He relaxed instantly seeing her face.

"It didn't go down well to say the least..." Angel mumbled. "Chains barely got me out of there in time with the others. We were on the road for a bit before we found this place. Figured I'd be safe in a small town."

Ace looked down at her. "What about back home? What's happening there?"

Angel shrugged slightly. "My dads second in command would have probably taken over."

"Wait, why would he have taken over?" Ace blurted out confused.

"My dad was also a constrictor." Angel mumbled as she looked up at him.

Ace's mouth dropped slightly.

"I told you there were a lot of us..." Angel mumbled as she looked down.

"So why wouldn't your dad be dealing with stuff?"

Angel was silent as she shuffled on her feet slightly and the lightbulb went off in Ace's head.

"When you said it didn't go well..." He mumbled.

Angel nodded, keeping her gaze on the floor. Ace moved back to her as his arms, once again, wrapped around her.

"You're safe here." He whispered into her hair.

Angel shrugged slightly in his hold. "That's what I was starting to think."

Ace scoffed as he tried to be confident for her. "You're safe with a Merrill."

Ace's Angel - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now