Shop Till You Drop

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"Why are you so pouty?" I asked, noticing the glum look on his face.

"Do I have to get a suit? Can't I just wear a polo shirt or something?" He whined, looking a lot like a five year old. It was actually kind of adorable.

"Would you rather look like a hot business man? Or a pedophile?" I retorted as we waited at a walk/don't walk light. The light changed and Colin and I quickly crossed the street. The sky started to look grey and miserable, matching Colin's mood.

"Hot, I guess..." He mumbled. I smiled and looped my arm through his.

"Don't worry cupcake. I'm sure you'll be the hottest bachelor at the auction." I said nodding, agreeing with myself.

"Oh, I know I will. I just wanted to hear you say it." He said, that arrogant smirk coming back. I rolled my eyes and we continued to walk for a few blocks before coming up to the shop. As we entered, we were met with the sounds of soft music and gentle chatter. A drastic change from the bustling streets of outside.

"May I help you?" The clerk at the counter asked politely.

"My friend here needs a suit for a charity auction." I explained, usually these suit experts knew what kind of suit went with what kind of event. The clerk nodded and escorted is to a specific rack of suits, they looked really nice but not too fancy. Perfect for a charity auction. I made Colin stand next to the rack as I picked out a few different suits. There was no way in hell that I was going to let him dress himself.

"Here, go try these on and show me how they look." I said and pushed him in the direction of the changing rooms. I sat on a bench in front of the changing area and waited. I tried not to laugh when I could hear Colin grumbling and cursing. A couple minutes later, I looked up from my phone when I heard the curtain slide open. I had to stop my jaw from dropping. He had tried on the navy blue suit, it had a black tie and buttons on the jacket that resembled a peacoat. Colin fiddled with the tie and couldn't seem to get it right. I shook my head to clear my foggy brain and stood up.

"Here, I got it." I mumbled and undid his tie. My dad had taught me how to tie ties because he said that even though I don't wear them it's still a good skill to have. I tied Colin's tie in a Windsor knot and tucked it under the jacket.

"Do I still have to try on the others?" He asked, the whiny tone coming back.

", I think this one is good." I said, feeling a harsh blush stain my cheeks. Luckily, Colin was too busy racing back into the changing room to notice. As he was changing, I went up to the clerk and paid for it on my credit card. I rarely ever used it, but this was technically an emergency. I got it bagged and all set up just as Colin came out of the dressing room.

"Can we go now?"

"Yes, you man-child." I laughed as we exited the shop. We started walking back towards home, but Colin suddenly stopped me.

"Wait, do you have a dress?" He asked.

"Yeah, kind of." I muttered, hoping the lie wouldn't seem too obvious. I didn't really have a good dress, I only had a plain black one. Colin's eyes brightened up and a grin spread across his face.

"Oh, that's it. You're my doll now." He said with a sly smile and tugged me in the direction of a dress shop.

"Colin stop! I don't need a dress." I exclaimed, digging my heels into the pavement. But, he was too damn strong. I hated dress shopping with a fiery passion. All those bitches judging you on how you look, I couldn't stand it.

"Colin, you dickbag!" I hissed as he threw open the door and went for the first dress rack he saw.

"What size are you?" He asked as he flipped through tons of dresses.

"Your mom." I griped, crossing my arms over my chest. He gave me an irritated look and waited for me to continue. I scoffed and rolled my eyes before answering. "Eight." He smirked triumphantly and flicked through the rack before stopping on a red one.

"Go try this on." He said and shoved the dress into my hands.

"No way! This looks like something a stripper would wear." I complained, looking over the fire-engine red cocktail dress.

"Just go put it on." He ordered and pointed to the changing rooms. The déjà vu was almost palpable, I guess it was just desserts for making Colin go through it. I felt my heart start to pick up speed as I looked down at the dress in the changing room. What if it doesn't look good? Those bitches outside are probably gonna laugh.

I took a deep breath and stripped off my jeans and sweater, then I hopped into the red, body hugging dress and zipped it up in the back. After situating my boobs and tugging at the hem of the dress, it honestly didn't look too bad. The dress was strapless and had a sweetheart neckline and the bottom of the dress went to about mid-thigh. I actually kind of liked it, it showed off my curves and wasn't too uncomfortable. I couldn't deny that Colin had good taste, I guess he did know a lot about dresses from seeing them on his floor so much.

"Come on, I wanna see." He called and I could hear his foot tapping impatiently. I sighed and shook off my nervousness and flipped the curtain open dramatically. Colin just stared, and stared. Then stared some more. It was honestly getting a little creepy.

"Uh...Colin?" I said and snapped my fingers in front of his face. He blinked and shook his head a little bit.

"Um, yeah. Yeah you should definitely get that one." He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. Was he blushing?

"Really, you sure it looks ok?" I asked, tugging at the bottom of the dress.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, "I mean, yeah. It looks good." He said quieter. I smiled and punched him in the arm.

"Well, don't you know how to flatter a girl." I laughed and turned to go back into the dressing room. As I was changing, I couldn't help but think of how close Colin and I have gotten. And also how badly I was starting to crush on him.

A/N: We're getting closer to the charity auction! What's gonna happen!? Lol. Thanks for reading! Xoxo

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